Q&A Forum
@admin Fantastic upgrade! What would be nice is if the brake control box in the run screen changed when in load control mode so the up/down buttons...
@rub87 Here is a bench I built which I am considering building a your dyno logger to replace what I have.
I was thinking a dedicated box, your existing box with two pressure sensors built in and another to measure velocity. Yes an air flow meter for low fl...
@admin That's fantastic, Its great to see you constantly improving this software. 👍 👍
@bendd I have had this problem since first versions, I never made comment or looked to have it addressed. After update it does revert back to PWM...
@admin Looking really nice
Hi yes that's it. Just go to Microsoft site and download.
Great idea, handy to have a data sheet like that to analyze after runs. Should be quite doable, all the data is there and available, just needs a spre...
@admin Thanks for looking into this, I will do my best to test this today with the changes you've suggested.
@aslot Hello,For what its worth I too am having issues with my RPM1 disappearing after a short time. I have only one RPM input, a GT101 sensor (engin...
I understand what you are saying and it may be valid in your experience but the issue may be specific to your dyno setup. Early Superflows did have th...