Contact Us
Fonneland Engineering AS
Solkroken 16A
1394 Nesbru

Kevin Hamilton

Jostein Fonneland
Phone: + 47 4840 1279
About Us
YourDyno is owned by Fonneland Engineering AS, a company based in Nesbru, close to Oslo, Norway. Jostein Fonneland is behind all engineering activities and has 20+ years experience with product development in two large multinational companies (Alcatel and Schlumberger) before moving 100% to YourDyno. With YourDyno he works with many professional racers and dyno heads around the world. He lives and breathes for YourDyno, has a passion for engine tuning and many years of competitive motor racing behind him.
Kevin Hamilton is our US based team member. He has been heavily involved with water-brake engine dynamometer equipment in technical sales and support positions for over 25 years. Feel free to reach out with any dyno related questions to Kevin, in particular engine dynos.