Q&A Forum
Yes, try the Dynojet pickup. If it is an inductive pickup then it is a good chance it will work. Best to clip over the primary (12V) of the coil, not ...
Hi, With a new YourDyno Standard (the v5) you don't need the MSD tach pickup. You just need an inductive pickup like this for example. If you rath...
@boz-race-engines, Yes, all blue boxes. You must upgrade the firmware by clicking the Upgrade to latest button.
All right, folks! The new YourDyno software version is finally available, version 3.3.50. It is a big release with lots of new features and improve...
Use RPM2 and set it as "Other RPM channel" in the RPM/Frequency channel setup. Call it something like RPM Pickup or DTEC RPM or something like that. ...
Generally shorter arm is better because it picks up less vibrations. Apart from that, you the arm impacts the load on the load cell, so choose a combi...
Hi, This can be confusing, but the Engine RPM is equal to roller RPM * Gear ratio. This is the main RPM that the system is using to calculate engin...
Good video. The brake regulation is good but a little nervous until about 10.5k RPM, then it starts oscillating. Check Kp, Ki and Kd vs Time to see...
That's a proper analog setup 🙂 !
@matteozanusso, thanks if you can send your options file to me and I can try to reproduce that crash. Go to this folder location: %localappdata%\Fonne...
For everyone's information, it was an anti virus issue. Norton Antivirus had flagged the file.
Get in touch at jostein@yourdyno.com or call me at +47 4840 1279. Install Ultraviewer. I will login and take a look.
Does it say a reason why it cannot run? Windows 10 is supported. What CPU do you have (Right click on "This PC" and click Properties).
Maybe something like this works? Network Serial Port Kit - share and access COM port over Ethernet (network-serial-port.com)