Q&A Forum
Correct, a real life coast down on a horizontal road is an easy way to get the frontal area and Cd, as indeed most folks don't have these numbers for ...
@madswp, the torque control brake mode is a good feature. A fairly easy way to implement it is to disregard the MOI component, meaning it only works a...
That is a better pump, so you can try that. But user higher gear in any case.
Hi, A few things here. It looks like you run a low gear. The roller RPM (RPM1) is maximum just 350 RPM. Generally use the highest gear you can, ...
Hi, The roller circumference only affects Speed and Distance. Your load cell is likely calibrated the wrong way or the MOI is set wrongly. Check ...
You can start with Kp 0.7, Ki 0.5 and Kd 0.03. Also make sure to set the Ramp up brake such that by the time you reach the start RPM, then engine is n...
Folks, I created a skeleton plugin for the TunerNerd. There is a fair chance it will work but I have no way to test. In any case it needs testing an...
Here are things to try: Ensure your RPM cable is shielded and that shield is connected in one end only (typically at the YourDyno side) Avoid cabl...
@hansl can you send me your config file? I will take a look. Send to jostein@yourdyno.com
Hello, this is by default called Brake1% and Brake2% if you have 2 brakes. You can call the channels something else in the setup (Options->Brake an...
Update the software to latest 😉
I think you can set up the CAN format to be RacePak. The other formats are proprietary I think.
Hi, Welcome to YourDyno! The roller size is here: Plugins->Speed and distance. Enter the circumference in meters (in other words enter: Diamete...
Hi, 8 meter is no problem, up to 10 meter works too. Keep below 8 if you can. Make sure to use shielded cables. Best to splice the cables close to t...
Hi folks, YourDyno version 3.3.85 is out, fixing the issues where YourDyno would not start up. Cheers,Jostein