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Hi Jostein 

I'm very much looking forward to utilising some of the new features on this release. Particularly the output feature to control cooling fans on a vfd linked to roller speed.

I've updated my software and updated the firmware successfully however immediately it returns the message "Staus: Update firmware "

I had to use the firmware downloaded from the link on the download page because I don't have Internet access at my unit where my dyno is located.

I've updated to version 1.28 but it says that version 1.29 is required 



Posted : 20/09/2023 1:40 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Folks, thanks for the feedback about the disappearing group gauges. I reproduced the issue; it happens when you start YourDyno with the blue box disconnected. I will fix right away!

Posted : 20/09/2023 3:16 pm
dunnitagain reacted
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Folks, disappearing gauges fixed: https://yourdyno.com/YourDynoInstaller_3.3.54.exe

Thanks again. I also updated the link here for those who need an offline firmware update https://yourdyno.com/downloads

Posted : 20/09/2023 5:42 pm
dunnitagain, OxRacing, Marco and 1 people reacted
Posts: 7

Its great to see the Constant Updates and Bug Fixes ! Other systems would make you wait months or charge you for fixing their issues.

Posted : 20/09/2023 8:31 pm
Posts: 24

@admin Thankyou

Posted : 21/09/2023 9:30 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi guys,

YourDyno software version 3.3.56 was released today. 


  • More color options: Ability to set background color of the gauge screen. Right click on the screen and set the background color
  • Ability to set number of tickmarks/lines on the gauges. Major (indicated with number) and minor tick marks can be set. Nice if the range of the gauge does not divide nicely with the standard 5 or 10 tick marks. For example, if you have a range of 0-800, you can have 8 major tick marks so you get numbers every 100, and minor tick marks of your choice. It is set in the Right click->Gauge setup menu
  • For the new Bar type gauge there is a small red line to the left that you can use to adjust the size of the numbers to your liking. This is also stored in the gauge settings so it comes back the same way next run
  • The new Brake vs RPM curve is now also saved in the Session folder setup file (env.save). Use "Load session settings" to load a previous Session setup
  • Engine RPM now has a very low noise filtering setting, irrespective of the default noise filtering of other signals. RPM does not need much filtering and this low noise setting means the RPM signal follows the unfiltered signal very accurately even when the RPM changes abruptly when you go off the throttle at the end of the run 
  • CAN bus out now works (needs latest firmware)
  • KmTronic USB Relay plugin: Auto on/off based on channel data now works for channels 1-8. Previously it was only working for channels 1-4
  • YourDyno Standard v5 firmware: Improved speed of weather station reading, which means lower the CPU load
  • Math channel plugin: A math channel can now use another math channel for calculation

As always, any issue, let me know.



This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by Anonymous
Posted : 27/09/2023 12:41 pm
Six_Shooter and Marco reacted
Posts: 57

Thanks for the ongoing updates to the UI Jostein, I've been wanting to properly set the analog gauge markers for a long time!

I have a suggestion regarding graph colors and I'm curious to know what the other users think.

I've never liked how all the different colors are applied to the graphs.  I think it makes it difficult to see which power and torque curves are from the same run.  Now that we have the ability to have dash and dot graphs, I think it makes sense for the power and torque graphs for each run to be the same color by default and allow the solid vs dashed lines differentiate between P and T curves.

Like this, as it is now:       


and as I have suggested:     


What does everybody else think?

Posted : 27/09/2023 10:58 pm
Posts: 15
Member Customer

@bendd I like that I'd I hate all the colors it gets very confusing. Maybe make the current run one color and have the older runs change to a different color.

Posted : 27/09/2023 11:18 pm
Posts: 57

Two other little things I just noticed J.

I think the bar graph alarms may have become broken in this latest release.

Also, if you make a bar the width of the screen, the heading becomes massive in height.

Posted : 27/09/2023 11:32 pm
Posts: 26

Love the bar graph addition.  Perhaps if the "Range" colors were the actual bar graph, or if the bar itself could be narrower it would be much easier to see the values at a quick glance.  As is, the range colors are covered most of the time. I'd love something similar to the Dynojet bar graphs, which are super easy to know the value at a quick glance.

Posted : 28/09/2023 9:37 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

@bendd and others about the graph colors, here is the plan. In the Visual Styles option there will be 10 columns for color. This will cover 10 Runs. For each channel you can set the sequence of colors you want. Then there will be two additional lines for default colors for left and right axis (so 10 of each). If you don't set a specific channel color sequence, it gets the default color. It will spin around again after 10 runs. That should work well I think.

@hansl, yes I thought of making the bar itself indicate the range color. But if you do that it is difficult to see if you are close to the red zone or not (or maybe there is a way?). Maybe I can add this as an option in any case, I will check. And yes I will make some adjustments to the font size for very wide bar gauges. 

Posted : 28/09/2023 10:15 pm
dunnitagain reacted
Posts: 57

Posted by: @Anonymous

@bendd and others about the graph colors, here is the plan. In the Visual Styles option there will be 10 columns for color. This will cover 10 Runs. For each channel you can set the sequence of colors you want. Then there will be two additional lines for default colors for left and right axis (so 10 of each). If you don't set a specific channel color sequence, it gets the default color. It will spin around again after 10 runs. That should work well I think.

@hansl, yes I thought of making the bar itself indicate the range color. But if you do that it is difficult to see if you are close to the red zone or not (or maybe there is a way?). Maybe I can add this as an option in any case, I will check. And yes I will make some adjustments to the font size for very wide bar gauges. 


Thanks Jostein.

Most people will be using a bar graph display with black, grey or white background and use green, yellow and red as the warning level indicators.  All those colors work together in every possible combination, so I think it makes sense to make the bar change to the chosen level indicator color(s) (green then yellow & red etc) based upon current value and scaling, and then flash when in the warning range if selected.  And if someone wants a green bar with no change or warning, they just have to scale the bar color from 0-100% as green etc....

Thanks so much for listening to our suggestions, this is what truely makes you product 'yourdyno'  🙂




Posted : 28/09/2023 10:26 pm
dunnitagain reacted
Posts: 57

Posted by: @stvdrag225

@bendd I like that I'd I hate all the colors it gets very confusing. Maybe make the current run one color and have the older runs change to a different color.

@stvdrag225 that's a great idea.  If red (for example) is reserved for the most recent run so you can easily spot it amongst the others.


Posted : 29/09/2023 12:18 am
dunnitagain reacted
Posts: 13
Member Customer

Posted by: @Anonymous

@bendd and others about the graph colors, here is the plan. In the Visual Styles option there will be 10 columns for color. This will cover 10 Runs. For each channel you can set the sequence of colors you want. Then there will be two additional lines for default colors for left and right axis (so 10 of each). If you don't set a specific channel color sequence, it gets the default color. It will spin around again after 10 runs. That should work well I think.

@hansl, yes I thought of making the bar itself indicate the range color. But if you do that it is difficult to see if you are close to the red zone or not (or maybe there is a way?). Maybe I can add this as an option in any case, I will check. And yes I will make some adjustments to the font size for very wide bar gauges. 


This is great idea!! For making the bar itself indicate the range will be better, and for difficult to see if you are close to red zone or no,  posibly you can make background with same range colors but dark. I attach the example. 
thanks for you work Jostein!


Posted : 29/09/2023 6:55 am
Posts: 57

I've found a small issue with the gauges. Or maybe there's a better way than I am doing this...

Anyway, certain readings I'd like to see as both analog and digital on the run screen, so what I figured out to do to have this is to use "Math Channels" to add additional gauges to be displayed that can simply be the value of a channel with no manipulation (math), if need be. Awesome.

The issue is if the new math channel has the same name as an existing channel, it doesn't show up the gauges list for one thing, so an unique name needs to be used, which isn't too much of an issue, but for something like "Torque", it doesn't really make sense to name it anything else. So I thought I was being clever and adding "(Ft/Lbs)" in the name, and it shows up the gauges list, so I can add it to the run screen, however, this gauge will disappear when the run screen is closed. I've changed the name for now to something without the brackets and it seems to be working fine.

So it looks like using brackets in the name field doesn't completely solve the same name issue. 

So I see this as a very minor issue, but it would be nice to easily add a second, or maybe more gauges of the same item, but to be displayed in a different way, such as the analog and digital gauges I like to see.

Also, a request, for some things, it would be nice to have simple indicators. Like for digital outputs, be them the ones directly on the control box, or through USB control. I.E. If we are controlling pump or fans with the YourDyno box, then it would be nice to have simple indicators on the run screen to know that they have been triggered to be on. The same indicator type could be used with the SS water valve V2, for the zero close indication. A simple indicator instead of an 1 and 0 would be awesome. This might possibly be integrated into what I think was another request I saw that there might be indicators pop up when a certain value of something happens, such as warnings when something gets too hot, too lean or too fast, etc.


This post was modified 1 year ago by Six_Shooter
Posted : 08/10/2023 11:16 am
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