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Correct, channel names must be unique and brackets "(" and ")" are not allowed in channel names because they are used when indicating the unit, like this Torque (Nm). 

You can use "[" and "]" if you like or "_" or something. 

I am going to add the status of the KmTronic relays as gauges. As you say it is nice to see the status of the relays. 1 = On and 0 = Off is pretty standard, so that will be it for now 

Posted : 08/10/2023 3:39 pm
Posts: 57

Posted by: @Anonymous

Correct, channel names must be unique and brackets "(" and ")" are not allowed in channel names because they are used when indicating the unit, like this Torque (Nm). 

You can use "[" and "]" if you like or "_" or something.

Ok, square brackets are at least better than nothing. lol. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂

I am going to add the status of the KmTronic relays as gauges. As you say it is nice to see the status of the relays. 1 = On and 0 = Off is pretty standard, so that will be it for now 

Will that be only for the KMTronic relays, and not the other relays option, or digital inputs?


This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by Six_Shooter
Posted : 08/10/2023 3:47 pm
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Digital outputs are channels with names, you can turn on their gauges

Posted : 08/10/2023 6:19 pm
Posts: 57

Posted by: @Anonymous

Digital outputs are channels with names, you can turn on their gauges

Right, I was just hoping you'd extend the planned KMTronic indicators to the digital channels (both in and out) as well, because simple indicators make more sense there then a 1 or 0.

I suppose as work around, bar graphs can be used, that have min and max values set at 0 and 1 to be empty of full on the bar graphs.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Six_Shooter
Posted : 08/10/2023 6:46 pm
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For those of you with YourDyno Standard v5 with firmware 2.11, please click Options->Firmware upgrade->Upgrade to latest online. It will upgrade to firmware 2.12.

Firmware 2.11 had an issue where Out1 would turn on and stay on if you connect the YourDyno box but don't start the YourDyno software. 

Posted : 10/10/2023 8:31 am
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Hi folks,

YourDyno version 3.3.57 was released today (beta). 


  • Individual noise filtering for each channel. Check out Visual Styles. Now you can override the default noise setting from Options->Noise filtering per channel
  • Average Power and Average Torque is implemented (preliminary). You can define start and end RPM, and the average power and average torque within this region can be displayed in the summary table below the run and in the Splash screen. There is still more functionality coming here, like vertical bars displaying the region, automatic recalculation of average if the region is changed, etc. Ability to create an average run from a number of existing runs is also underway, but not ready yet
  • Fixed a bug which would make small gauges grow automatically
  • Fixed a potential issue where the Results table would show no data if the master channel did not exist
  • Fixed an issue with Print logo 
  • Improved German translation and did some minor other translation updates


As always, any issues let me know.

Posted : 12/10/2023 12:05 pm
Posts: 57

Thanks Jostein.

I have a problem where some changes to the run screen layout are lost the next time the screen is opened.
Sometimes a recently added gauge is missing, or the size or front/back config for a newly added gauge is wrong.

I press the 'Dismiss' button to close the screen, not the close window X, but is there a way to force the current layout to be saved?

Posted : 13/10/2023 12:41 am
Posts: 0
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Hi folks!

YourDyno software release 3.3.58 was released today. Some nice new features:

  • Better support variable gear ratio, for example from torque converters or CVT transmissions or tire compression. A high update rate direct engine RPM measurement is necessary for this to work, for example an Inductive RPM pickup or CAN bus (OBD2 is too slow). Turn on "Re-calculate results from variable gear ratio" in the Gear ratio window to turn it on. When the run is complete, all results will be recalculated using the actual recorded gear ratio
  • Average Power / Torque functionality is complete. You can set an RPM area you want to calculate the average Power and Torque over. The results can pop up in the Splash screen after the run and be viewed in the results summary table below. You can also turn on indicators for start and end rpm and move them with the mouse and results are recalculated. Check out Options->Average Power and Torque
  • Soft start sweep option for the Load Control brake mode. Instead of going straight into the assigned sweep rate, this option gradually increases the target RPM such that it reaches the target sweep rate over the first 1 second. This makes the sweep smoother. Turn it on under Brake setup->Load Control->Advanced->Enable soft sweep start. It looks like this.
  • Improved Auto detect early stop. This is to automatically stop the run when a run does not reach the defined end RPM. The trigger now tolerates more torque noise to avoid false detection of a stop. It also works for water brakes now, which typically have positive torque when ramping down
  • Automatic removal of data after max RPM in Results vs RPM also when not doing retardation runs (i.e. engine dynos and wheel power testing). This is practical, as the data when coming back after hitting max RPM is uninteresting in most cases. This option is automatically turned on for Power sweeps and Load Control for sweep up (i.e. start RPM < end RPM)
  • MAJOR overhaul of the KmTronic USB relay plugin. It looks like this. You can now:
    • Assign a channel name to the relays, so they pop up in the Gauges window and in the graphs
    • Assign a Deadband in the threshold, so relays don't flicker on and off around the threshold
    • Turn on a Momentary switch option, such that the relay is on (closed) as long as you hold the hotkey down. This can be used for starting the engine, moving the dyno bed, etc. 
  • Logo in the Print-out is working again
  • Some other minor cleanups

Thanks for all your inputs!


Posted : 23/10/2023 1:40 pm
Posts: 2


Can you add a button to manually save the dat pointby point?

We neef to create a power curve when we use the RPM brake controle RPM manually.



This post was modified 1 year ago by benVielmi
Posted : 24/10/2023 8:13 pm
Posts: 0
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@benvielmi All the data is in the .csv file. It can be read into Excel for example.

You can also look at the data in the Results Table. There you can set Time as the Master channel and select the resolution you want, then copy to Excel.

Posted : 24/10/2023 8:17 pm
benVielmi reacted
Posts: 2

This requires us to process the file manually wich can be long whereas with a switch to validate the data would be quick and would allow us to have a curve imediatly after the power test.


Posted : 24/10/2023 8:31 pm
Posts: 0
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@benvielmi, please email me at jostein@yourdyno.com with a detailed description of what you are trying to do

Posted : 24/10/2023 10:23 pm
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A tiny update for those who need it, version 3.3.59

It fixes the Speed and Distance channels that were broken in the previous version.


Posted : 25/10/2023 10:43 am
Posts: 31



I work with Benjamin (benVielmi).

What we need is what is described here https://yourdyno.com/community/postid/6089/ and in the following posts.

Currently, the software is mainly oriented "make a pull from X rpm to Y rpm". But is not oriented "engine maping"

We need something either in a sequencer or in the manual mode, where we first set any RPM working point, wait stability, adjust air/fuel and ignition timing in the ECU, and then record data in the table by pressing any sort of button. At the end, the software trace a power curve from these points. This will allow us to go up and down the rpm range to map an ecu.




This post was modified 1 year ago by Angelo
Posted : 26/10/2023 2:19 pm
Posts: 13
Member Customer

Hello Jostein, thanks for a lot of updates and new features!

I have found a bug, when I add a new gauge, I cannot resize it.


Posted : 26/10/2023 2:33 pm
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