Dynamometer instrumentation kits
YourDyno offers dynamometer instrumentation kits that includes all you need for dyno data acquisition and brake control. There is a range of options available, supporting every type of dyno from inertia dynos, chassis dyno, 2WD/4WD hub dynos and water brake dynos.
A number of Dyno manufacturers run YourDyno, among them dynoKRAFT. In addition, hundreds of dynos get their dynamometer instrumentation kit upgraded to YourDyno every year. Take a look the YourDyno reference page and our YouTube channel.
YourDyno Standard instrument kit
Every year hundreds of dynos get upgraded to the YourDyno Standard instrumentation kit. Its precision, versatility and ease of use combined with an unbeatable price has made it a popular first choice for anyone wanting to upgrade their dyno software and control.
Available in the web shop.

The YourDyno Standard features:
- Data acquisition system for inertia dynos, roller-based dynos with 1 brake or 2 brakes (4WD or dual brake on one axel), and hub dynos with 2 brakes (2WD)
- A setup with 2 boxes supports 4WD hub dynos (4 brakes, 4 load cells and 4 RPM sensors)
- All brake outputs use individual brake controllers (i.e. supports setups with different brakes and different load on front and rear axel)
- 1 k-type thermocouple input (for engine or exhaust temperature). Can add up to 8 more thermocouples using CAN bus modules or upgrade to the YourDyno Ultimate unit.
- 3 analog (0V-5V) inputs, for example for Lambda sensors, MAP, boost, etc. Can add more analog channels using the VM167 plugin.
- 2 RPM inputs (digital 0-5V)
- 2 Brake control outputs, each supporting either Pulse width modulation (PWM) and analog (0-5V) signals. 1 output supporting Stepper motor
- External weather station (environmental sensors) with 3m cable for temperature, humidity and ambient pressure
- Horsepower correction factor using to many different standards (based on temperature, ambient pressure and humidity from manual entry or from environmental sensors
- CAN bus support is built in. It reqires a license which can be bought at the time of purchase or upgraded later. This enables connection to CAN bus sensor modules and aftermarket ECUs, to read the ECU data channels directly into the dyno
- Built in support for Engine RPM pickup using inductive pickup on the coil primary
- Self powered from the USB cable, no external power supply
- Supports any analog load cell for brake/absorption dynos. Specify max load when ordering or use your own load cell(s)
- YourDyno sells a hall-effect sensor for easy RPM measurements with 3.5m shielded cable. Any digital 0-5V sensor can be used (also encoders). VR sensors are not directly supported, but can be used with an interface board such that it provides a 0-5V digital signal.
- Support for OBD2 adapters (bluetooth or USB) in the ELM327 series. Here is a recommended OBD2 adapter: OBDLink® LX
- Support for KMTronic external relays, controlled by buttons or by data channels being over or under a threshold. Use this to for example automatically turn on a fan.
- Easy to use FREE PC software with setup wizards and calibration options
- Software supports a plugin system that enables endless opportunities for integrating other sensors. See our plugin library.
YourDyno Standard sensor specifications
- Sensor specification
- Very accurate 16 bit AD converter (65536 different measurement levels) on all channels
- Fast data acquisition (1000Hz internal sample rate) on all channels
- 25kOhm Aux channel input impedance (attached sensors must be able to source 0.2mA)
- RPM resolution: 42 nano second
- Supports any load cell (specify 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 or 2000 kg at checkout or use your own)
YourDyno Ultimate instrumentation kit
The all new YourDyno Ultimate instrument kit coupled with the new Pro version of our YourDyno software takes you to the next level when upgrading or adding a data acquisition and control system to your dynamometer. This dyno instrumentation is aimed at the professional market for those that seek the ultimate in performance and features.
Available in the web shop.

- Ultimate precision dyno data acquisition electronics box with USB-C interface
- Supports all types of dynos; inertia, chassis brake, hub and water brake dynos with up to 4 independent brakes
- 4 load cell inputs. 24 bit AD converters with extremely high sampling rate (30kHz)
- Unused load cell inputs can be used as analog aux inputs
- 8 k-type thermocouple input (for engine or exhaust temperature)
- 8 analog (0V-5V) inputs, for example for Lambda sensors, MAP, boost, etc
- 6 RPM inputs (digital 0-5V) for RPM, frequency based sensors (like flow meters) or digital on/off sensors
- 1 VR RPM sensor input
- 1 Inductive pickup input (for RPM pickup from primary coil clamp)
- 4 Brake control outputs, each supporting either Pulse width modulation (PWM) and analog (0-5V) signals. 2 Stepper motor outputs (2 x DIR/PUL)
- CAN Bus support with both input and output. Can read CAN bus sensors and CAN data from ECUs, and can send out data from any dyno data channel to CAN devices like ECUs, external data loggers, dash boards, etc
- External power supply
- External environmental (weather) sensor (pressure, temperature, humidity) with 3m cable
- Horsepower correction factor using to SAE J1349 and many other (based on temperature, ambient pressure and humidity from manual entry or from the included weather station
- Supports any analog load cell for brake/absorption dynos. Specify max load when ordering or use your own load cell(s)
- YourDyno sells hall-effect sensors for easy RPM measurements with 3.5m shielded cable. Any digital 0-5V sensor can be used (also encoders)
- Support for OBD2 adapters (bluetooth or USB) in the ELM327 series. Here is a recommended OBD2 adapter: OBDLink® LX
- Support for KMTronic external relays, controlled by buttons or by data channels being over or under a threshold. Use this to for example automatically turn on a fan.
- Easy to use FREE PC software with setup wizards and calibration options
- Software supports a plugin system that enables endless opportunities for integrating other sensors. See our plugin library.
Yourdyno Ultimate sensor specifications
- Sensor specification
- Extremely accurate 24 bit AD converter for the loadcells. Internal sampling rate is 30kHz, digitally filtered to remove noise
- Very accurate 16 bit AD converter (65536 different measurement levels) AUX channels, internally sampled at 1000Hz. 20kOhm input impedance
- 20kOhm Aux channel input impedance (attached sensors must be able to source 0.25mA)
- Thermocouple range -200°C to +1350°C (-328F to 2462F), resolution is 0.025°C
- RPM resolution: 42 nano second
- Supports any load cell (specify 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 or 2000 kg at checkout or use your own)
Example videos



Free software
Screenshots from the software below.

Check our Download page for software, firmware, drivers and an example data file.

or ask your questions in our Q&A forum or in a mail to jostein@yourdyno.com
Selecting the right load cell
The easiest way to calculate the right load cell size is:
Load Cell size (kg) >= Max brake capacity (Nm) / Load arm length (m) / 9.81
You can also estimate a load cell size using horsepower:
[caldera_form id=”CF591cb40eab614″]