Q&A Forum

Topics: 3 / Replies: 14
RE: Latest software version

This is something i would like too. Just a Nice big font hp and torque in one of the top corners.

3 years ago
RE: New Software features

Hi.Is there any plan for dual screen setup or even 3 screen? one only for customer view with maybe just live graph and splash screen? Regards Sigve

3 years ago
RE: New Software features

Hi.I would really like a max HP and Torque displayed at the end of the run. Like you see other softwares have, to display for the customer standing wa...

5 years ago
RE: Latest software version

Hi. 1. Why is it that all calibrations is lost when you update firmware and software? .2 The Menu for entering roller diameter is lost? 3. It state...

6 years ago
RE: New Software features

Hi.Are there any plans for doing a live torque graph ? like the mainline dyno ? Would be nice for finding MBT.

6 years ago
RE: New Software features

Been googling about the use for roller speed/km/h and i can see the purpose. But i tune engines so not to much use for me, and 98% cars on the dyno ar...

6 years ago
RE: New Software features

Hi.Seems like you know what your talking about so just wanted to know why people use km/t as X axis on a dyno graph ? it really dont say anything abou...

6 years ago
RE: ODB Adapters

Hi. One is just like this one but with an USB cable instead of Bluetooth. Vgate odb2 usb

6 years ago
RE: Sanity check on dyno plans

Hi. Mine is a 116.9 kg/M2 and i reckon this is capable of around 1000hp without external brake. With brake the limiting factor is traction.

6 years ago
RE: what do you think@

This is my solution for coupling. Rynning same roller size as you. 104.8 inertia😊 IMG_20180602_191734.jpg

7 years ago
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