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Posts: 245

Hi again, i'd like to add the option that whp numbers are shown when these are selected, since my dyno can read hp and whp, when i just select only whp , in the bottom side, still show hp numbers..it's possible that?

Posted : 24/03/2019 2:43 am
MjPower reacted
Posts: 35
Posted by: Walter

Hi again, i'd like to add the option that whp numbers are shown when these are selected, since my dyno can read hp and whp, when i just select only whp , in the bottom side, still show hp numbers..it's possible that?

That is something i would like also....
Having that Engine hp is just a wild guesstimate, 1,5,7,10% loss? i always have to tell the custommers i dont do any additional loss calculations. For those of you that want it that way on your dyno, okey, fine by me. But i want the hub hp. in other words only corrections for frictional losses between roller and wheel+inertia of wheel.... and that is the way i use mine... 

Posted : 06/04/2019 10:57 am
Posts: 245
Posted by: MjPower
Posted by: Walter

Hi again, i'd like to add the option that whp numbers are shown when these are selected, since my dyno can read hp and whp, when i just select only whp , in the bottom side, still show hp numbers..it's possible that?

That is something i would like also....
Having that Engine hp is just a wild guesstimate, 1,5,7,10% loss? i always have to tell the custommers i dont do any additional loss calculations. For those of you that want it that way on your dyno, okey, fine by me. But i want the hub hp. in other words only corrections for frictional losses between roller and wheel+inertia of wheel.... and that is the way i use mine... 

Hi, in Spain, it's common to use hp at crank, i know whp is the best and always i try to explain about that. anyway i'd like to have that option when whp only are shown. btw i'd request again for fixing that small bug for afrs :(.

Posted : 08/04/2019 9:37 am
Posts: 14


After using Yourdyno for a couple of months now I got a couple of software mods/features that at least I think could be useful:

1. Access to correction factor options from the run window

2. Ability to set gear ratio for each gear in rpm setup(saved for each session) and a quick access roll down menu to set the gear used when tuning.

3. Ability to see results in columns in addition to graphs.

4. Average HP/Tq numbers (just for fun)

5. Forcing run window, options, rpm setup and other windows to pop up on the same monitor as the main window is located (Maybe my setup is causing this issue?)

Posted : 10/04/2019 9:20 am
Posts: 29
100% Newbie

Hi there
Not sure if this has been requested before, but is there no way to upload a company logo in an image format such as .jpeg or .png?
I would recommend having an option for text, text with company logo or company logo
A Watermark over the graphs would be great too!

Posted : 22/04/2019 9:44 pm
Posts: 29
100% Newbie

Just curious, is it not better to display RPM as "RPM (x1000)" rather than "RPM (10^3)
Maybe some with agree or disagree

Posted : 22/04/2019 10:28 pm
Posts: 245

PPSA should be good small changes! im still waiting for AFR bug fix :(.

Posted : 23/04/2019 11:36 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard

Whats the AFR bug, Had a day of comparing all my O2 sensors and controllers to my Spartan3.
They all read the same on yourdyno to what they say on there screen or serial output.

14poin7 SCL free
14point7 Spartan3

Only difference I can think is they are all powred off the PC power supply 12V and Earth. Ground references hooked up on the ones that had them.
And scale changed to 10-20 AFR for 0-5V.

Posted : 23/04/2019 12:00 pm
Posts: 245

Hi! very interested how good Works spartan3 ,well i bought some kits of Spartan OEM. just waiting for LSU4.9 plugs for wire everything. 

bug is when you sabe a pull with AFR readings, close everything, open yourdyno, open that pull, see AFR readings and look what happens.

Posted : 23/04/2019 12:03 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard

Works well being a digital signal so dont have to worry about earth loops and how you power it.
Iv got a few more changes I need to make to CANTool for scaling and handling of AFR and Lambda.
Im waiting on the Spartan3 ADV iv got coming to implement them since that changes the protocol slightly from the Dev Spartan3 Iv got.

Ill try find that bug tomorrow, Since tests iv been doing have just been simple. Hook up controller, Log a power run then change to next controller. And compare all the lines on screen after.

Spartan OEM  is different, But I guess If you had the I2C version youd be able to handle a digital signal with an arduino and output it to something like USB or Bluetooth and write a supporting plugin.

Posted : 23/04/2019 12:25 pm
Posts: 245

I got these because i want to install these as wideband sensor for some cars. i guess you need digital for CANTool, does it?

Posted : 23/04/2019 12:28 pm
Posts: 245

this is what happens..has a "return line".

Posted : 23/04/2019 12:30 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard

Either need my BlueCAN adapter or chinese CAN to USB adapter.
Since you are just reading the CAN data stream.

If your adding them to Honda ECUs I have another project that adds CAN support to OBD1 ECUs.

Posted : 23/04/2019 1:05 pm
Posts: 245

sounds good!! this Will be for Ep3s cars really. anyway should be good to add to OBD1 cars. 

Posted : 23/04/2019 1:57 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Walter, the AFR bug; you mean when you log it is ok, but when you save the file and open it, it shows the lambda values in retardation too?

Posted : 23/04/2019 8:09 pm
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