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[Sticky] Latest software version

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Awesome stuff, i love this system so much, fast becoming one of the best dyno systems Worldwide now

Posted : 07/05/2024 12:34 pm
Jostein reacted
Posts: 117

Awesome stuff, i love this system so much, fast becoming one of the best dyno systems Worldwide now

Posted : 07/05/2024 12:34 pm
Posts: 1424
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YourDyno software version 3.3.81 (beta) was released today.


  • A number of improvements to the gauge layout functionality
    • Save/Load console (gauge layout and setup)
    • Select a number of gauges and modify all selected gauges at once in terms of gauge type, size, position, range, colors, alarm, etc
    • Align gauges horizontally, vertically, distribute position evenly etc. 
    • Undo gauge setup changes
  • Hotkeys for the Run/Gauge window now work also if the Main window is active. Previously the Run/Gauge window had to be active for the hotkeys to work
  • Zero calibrate button for Aux gauges
  • Graphs ends are now trimmed to max RPM. This is nice if you stop the run before reaching the end RPM
  • Improvement to the PID algorithm when brake was at 100% when starting the run

See  https://youtu.be/RZeEIqw5EYg

As always, any issues let me know!


Posted : 10/05/2024 9:35 pm
Mr Peter reacted
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YourDyno software version 3.3.82 was released today. 

Changes since 3.3.81:

  • Ability to use a physical button to start/stop runs. See Options->Hotkeys. Two modes are supported
    • Click to start and click to stop
    • Hold button for the duration of the run, where run is started when the button is pressed and stopped when the button is released
  • PTH200 plugin (weather station for YourDyno v4 hardware) was fixed
  • Zero calibration of Aux channels now works for all channels (previously only aux channel 1

A physical button can be connected it to an unused RPM input or other Digital input. The button should be connected between Signal and 0V, such that pressing the button shorts Signal to 0V (creating a "0"). When not pressing the button, the signal will be "1" due to the internal pullup.

Any data channel can be used to to start and stop runs, it does not need to be a button. 



Posted : 17/06/2024 12:07 pm
Posts: 1424
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YourDyno 3.3.83 was released with just a very minor fix

  • Fix of the KMTronic plugin introduced in 3.3.82


Posted : 21/06/2024 8:08 pm
Posts: 1424
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Another very small release, YourDyno version 3.3.84. It addresses an issue one person reported on YourDyno not starting up.


Posted : 05/07/2024 1:51 pm
Posts: 16

I have also issues with start the programm after update to version 3.3.84.

Posted : 24/07/2024 9:07 am
Posts: 1424
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Yes, uninstall and install 3.3.81 or earlier. 


Posted : 24/07/2024 3:31 pm
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