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Hi @madswp,

The PID algorithm has been the same for a long time, maybe a year or so. If you want to check you can download previous versions by changing the version number on the download link. You will need to uninstall the current version first. If you reinstall an old version it will read those old settings. 

You may want to run a bit of Kd, that helps also for Eddy brakes if you have trouble finding a suitable setting.

Another mode which is nice if you struggle with stability is Load control. Did you try that?

For the brake mode you ask for, it is possible today. Make a RPM vs Time curve with stops at the RPMs you are interested in. So ramp-steady-ramp-steady, etc. You will need to look at the results in the Results vs Time window.

Posted : 28/03/2020 8:16 pm
Posts: 96


Quite regularly yourdyno won't add the rolling resistance values to the graph and/or max numbers.

It will display a low number as max, sometimes the graph is good, sometimes not. When I then apply a bit of smoothing to a part of the graph all of a sudden everything returns to normal.

Posted : 05/04/2020 9:27 am
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@tutuur, The graph and max numbers follow each other, since the max numbers are created from the graph. You can choose to run with and without retardation and also whether to use stored or new retardation. I need a bit more details here to understand.

Send me a log file and your saved config file, I will take a look. Also, let me know which version you run. 


Posted : 05/04/2020 11:18 am
Posts: 96

Haven’t saved, or checked which run it was exactly. Going to use the dyno tomorrow so will see if it happens again.


in short, sometimes it doesn’t add the retardation data. Think it only happens when using stored retardation data.


Then when I apply a bit of smoothing (ctrl+selection) to a part of the graph, it then suddenly adds it

Posted : 10/04/2020 6:13 pm
Posts: 7
Posted by: @admin


Minor update, version 3.2.74:

  • Higher RPM update rate for slow spinning rollers
  • Load Control brake mode was made smoother when transitioning from stabilization period to sweep


I have a 2WD HUB dyno and I can´t get RPM1 to work in 3.2.74 or 3.2.75. Only RPM2 works and the engine RPM is not correct... If I change back to version 3.2.59 RPM1 and RPM2 both works and engine RPM is correct.

Is it possible to add RPM1 and RPM2 for viewing in the graph window? I can only select brake1 and 2. (In 4WD version it should also be possible to view 3 and 4)


Posted : 21/04/2020 8:59 pm
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@aslot, check Advanced Gear ratio setup. You may accidentally have turned on the Primary driven wheels option. This option is used when you have a 4WD roller setup and want only one set of wheels to calculate the engine RPM (i.e. for cars that are primarily front of rear drive, 4WD "light")

Posted : 21/04/2020 10:40 pm
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And yes, the Brake and Gear ratio plugin makes all Roller/Hub RPMs available to both log and show as gauges. You may need to download the newest version. 

Posted : 21/04/2020 10:43 pm
Posts: 7
Posted by: @admin

@aslot, check Advanced Gear ratio setup. You may accidentally have turned on the Primary driven wheels option. This option is used when you have a 4WD roller setup and want only one set of wheels to calculate the engine RPM (i.e. for cars that are primarily front of rear drive, 4WD "light")

The primary driven wheels option is off.


Posted : 22/04/2020 7:29 am
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@aslot, I have tested this again now on v3.2.75, and it works correctly with all combinations I tested. So maybe I misunderstand you? 

When you say to get RPM1 to work, what do you mean exactly? If you enable the Roller1 RPM gauge, what does it show?

Posted : 23/04/2020 10:17 pm
Posts: 7

@admin, Roller1 RPM gauge shows 0RPM all the time, Roller2 RPM gauge shows the correct RPM. The total RPM(Engine RPM gauge) shows around half the real engine RPM.

The sensors are working and the gear ratio is correct, if I switch back to 3.2.59 I have RPM reading on RPM1 and RPM2 gauge and the correct Engine RPM.

Posted : 24/04/2020 7:28 am
Posts: 7

I have now done some more testing.

At first start(system and PC-boot) I have RPM1 reading, after around 30s with spinning hubs the reading stops and only shows 0rpm.

If I switch the RPM1 and RPM2 connectors at the box I still only have RPM2 reading.

If I disconnect and connect the USB to the box I get RPM1 reading for around 30s again same as at first start.

I have tried to change all the filter settings but nothing works.

Posted : 25/04/2020 8:39 pm
Posts: 30

@aslot  Hello,For what its worth I too am having issues with my RPM1 disappearing after a short time. I have only one RPM input, a GT101 sensor (engine dyno). I too have to do more testing but I do have a good RPM signal at the Your Dyno plug when operating correctly and also after the tacho stops. I had no RPM issues prior to this. I too updated to the latest version before this happened. All other gauges keep working without fault when the RPM stops. It does appear to be a software or box issue.


Posted : 26/04/2020 4:08 am
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Guys, I have kept it running now for hours, I am not able to reproduce it. Can you send a raw log file with the issue to jostein@yourdyno.com please? Record when both hubs/rollers are spinning or at least when RPM1 is spinning. @aslot it would be good if you could capture the moment it stops reading RPM1. 

Posted : 26/04/2020 3:51 pm
Posts: 7

@admin, I have created a good log file now.

Attached .jpeg here and I am sending the raw on e-mail.

Posted : 26/04/2020 5:57 pm
Posts: 0
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There was a bug in the latest firmware 1.24 which would make RPM1 hang up in some special situations, as was reported here (thanks!). 

Please upgrade to Software version 3.2.76, then click Upgrade firmware. 

Happy tuning!

Posted : 29/04/2020 9:06 pm
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