Q&A Forum

Topics: 5 / Replies: 24
RE: update 3.3.59 went bad

Ok, I found the problem , it was some files mising in my win 7 setup. Its ok now!

6 months ago
RE: Conectivty to the blue dyno box

I had problems to but mainly due to using non resistor sparkplugs. After using resitor plugs it is fine.

3 years ago
RE: Start run, predetermined start/settle rpm

Hi Einar, I have the same setup, homemade waterbrake and steppermotor to control watervalve and also have problems with the regulation of the sweep. H...

3 years ago
RE: USB drops out

OK, tried to wrap aluminium folie around the sparkplugg wires....dont do that..sparks jumping between the wires and noise got worse ! After installing...

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

@turbo-dub Yes I use different ignition cables now, yellow siliconcables. But I realised that Im using "non resistor plugs" Bosch W 8 AC....mabe tha...

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

Thanks for all your help, Im going up to the mountains this coming week riding snowmobile...no electrical interference up there..but will continuing f...

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

So I located the EMI disturbance the loadcell. When motor runs and the loadcell conneted USB dropps directly after start, so I routed the loadcell cab...

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

Tried that ..no effect.

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

With aux 1 lamda and loadcell disconnected the USB is up and running with the motor running. Connect them to blue box while motor runs...Usb goes down...

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

More photo  IMG_6392.JPG

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

Its a VW aircooled engine on my dyno stand, sep 12 v battery to the engine and grounded stand...Bosch red coil ignition ...sitting about 1 m from blue...

4 years ago
RE: USB drops out

@admin Loadcell is working (giving data) when engine is not running but cuts USB if I plug it in sensors to blue box when engine runs.. or direct af...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 19
Views: 1912
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