YourDyno is a complete Dynamometer DAQ (Data Acquisition) system for all kinds of dynamometers: inertia, eddy brake, water brake and others. It includes electronics, sensors and dyno software to instrument your dyno, whether you have an existing dyno or want to build your own. A well-established modern, professional, extendable and affordable Dyno control system.
Available for These Manufacturer’s Products and More:
AVL, DTS, DYNOjet, Dynocom, DYNOMite, Froude, Go Power, Mainline, Mustang, Stuska, SuperFlow
World Class support
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Free software and firmware updates
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Why to choose YourDyno?
Power to the people!
Dyno Kits
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Wonder if YourDyno is right for you?
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Top Products

YourDyno Standard Instrument Kit
$800 – $2,995 incl. software

YourDyno Power Supply

Water Brake Valve
$1,495 – $1,995
About us
YourDyno is owned by Fonneland Engineering AS, a company based in Nesbru, close to Oslo, Norway. Jostein Fonneland is behind all engineering activities and has 20+ years experience with product development in two large multinational companies (Alcatel and Schlumberger) before moving 100% to YourDyno. With YourDyno he works with many professional racers and dyno heads around the world. He lives and breathes for YourDyno, has a passion for engine tuning and many years of competitive motor racing behind him.
Our newest addition to the team is Kevin Hamilton. Kevin brings over 25 years of dynamometer and racing experience to YourDyno, having been heavily involved with water-brake engine dynamometers as a sales technician and operator. His experience brings a new dimension to our company, feel free to reach out with any water-brake related questions to Kevin.