Q&A Forum

Topics: 5 / Replies: 11
RE: Indicator Light In Place Of Gauge

@bigpermgarage I do have a pressure sensor for the brake that I guess would be an indicator. I also considered an LED wired to the trigger wires for t...

3 weeks ago
RE: RPM Noise

not sure what I did wrong trying to load the file  Test1_9.csv

3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Replies: 2
Views: 23
RE: New dyno power drops way off

Ok, ignore that last post. After talking with Kevin Hamilton I realized my RPM1 sensor was incorrect. I have now changed that to the YourDyno wheel an...

4 weeks ago
RE: New dyno power drops way off

Here is a run with the new pump. The pump can flow 110 GPM and is the pump that came with the dyno. It is being fed from a 275 gallon tank that is mou...

4 weeks ago
RE: New dyno power drops way off

I’m using the 1:1 gear in the transmission. According to Kevin Hamilton it wouldn’t be safe to get these rollers over 120 mph. With the cars I am work...

1 month ago
RE: New dyno power drops way off

It's odd that it never has done that before, but talking to Kevin Hamilton he gave me an idea of what I need and what I am currently using is nowhere ...

1 month ago
RE: New dyno power drops way off

Here is the file from the last run.  Test1_1.csv

1 month ago
RE: New dyno power drops way off

something else I noticed after posting this. I don’t know how but I found m my roller circumference set to 7 meters when it should be 0.638 meters. I’...

1 month ago
RE: Setting Up My First Dyno

Thanks for the roller info. I stared answering some of my own questions by just going through the run process, but never found the roller diameter. Th...

2 months ago
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