Q&A Forum

Bartosz Pankow
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: New Software features

I would love to see vertical and horizontal grid on graphs (with solid/dot/pause line option). This will make it a bit more readable for customer when...

2 years ago
RE: New Software features

I would like to see option for slowing down after run rpm thereshold. Sometimes when I make manual power sweep, after run, when PC calculate run, it f...

3 years ago
RE: New Software features

Yes, Ive checked it. Its super cool. I just really would like to have couple extra features with it. When we are tuning at constant RPM (lets say 3000...

4 years ago
RE: New Software features

I would like to have new window for stady state tuning using CAN informations and brake. Usually its called torque optimisation. It would be great to ...

4 years ago
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