Q&A Forum
Hi i'm Joao form AJC MOTORS 38 in France, i purchase a YOURDYNO kit i bought a eddy current brake and semikron skpc 200-440 and a diode bridge semikron skc 28, can someone help me with the wiring diagram, please?
thank you
Hello Joao
I have the exactely same setup for 4 years now. Wiring diagram is as explained on this website (wiki). What are your concerns?
Bonjour Joao
Vous avez un schéma très clair du cablage des modules SemiKron sur le site.
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try to speak in english if possible, so other people with same problems could be find this kind threads and be helpfull! or make below france language, english translation 😀
@adhoc-racing thanks I have the same diagram but there's two things that I don't understand, the capacitor and the compound near the capacitor.
EMI filter. You must choose one with high current rating, about 30 Amp to support retarder drawn current.
EMI filter. You must choose one with high current rating, about 30 Amp to support retarder drawn current.
thank you