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[REQUESTS] Have a p...

[Sticky] [REQUESTS] Have a plugin idea, Post Here.

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Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
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I'm sure many of you have good ideas for plugins and I know I have a lot of ideas but just not the time to complete everything.
Post your ideas in here and just maybe some one will take on the project.
Or feeling courageous, how about take on some ones idea.

I'll keep a list of what I'm working on and it's priority here also.
If you want to be added to the list just PM me.

WIP: (priority top to bottom)
Scantool: (Top priority since its what ill be using most)
Remote View:
USB Relay: (low priority since waiting on "YourDyno" update that allows more handling of external data to allow for more conditions)

To make a request follow the format I've provided as example in next post.

This topic was modified 6 years ago 2 times by bmgjet
Posted : 02/02/2019 4:27 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

[Name] SoundCard RPM&Knock
[HW Requirements]
Micphone and/or line in input and sound output 3.5mm jack,
Alternativly a USB sound card can be used.
Some form of voltage reduction for RPM input.

Makes a RPM signal out of a captured voltage frequency (injectors,ignition coil)
Listens for knock using knock sensor, plot to graph to view afterwards and/or log live to gauge.
Outputs filtered signal to 3.5mm jack for listening in real time or later playback.

Posted : 02/02/2019 4:34 am
MjPower reacted
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

[Name] Table View
[HW Requirements]

Shows a X and Y table based on RPM and MAP/MAF/TPS. *Maybe make 3D table with 3rd value of something like IAT/ECT*
Fills table in using selected sensor of your choice *AFR/Knock/Ign Adv and so on*
Load table templates.
Edit and save table template.
Save/Export table, txt,csv,jpg
Print table

Posted : 02/02/2019 4:41 am
MjPower reacted
Posts: 57

[Name] Aftermarket ecu plugin (Link already have for Mainline)

[HW Requirements] 
Aftermarket ecu plugged to same PC that Yourdyno is plugged

Aftermarket ecu program share data logging data as spark advance, temps, rpm, boost, etc

This enables extra calculations, very interesting for calculating best ignition at each rpm point

Posted : 02/02/2019 12:27 pm
MjPower reacted
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter
Posted by: Amelia

[Name] Aftermarket ecu plugin (Link already have for Mainline)

[HW Requirements] 
Aftermarket ecu plugged to same PC that Yourdyno is plugged

Aftermarket ecu program share data logging data as spark advance, temps, rpm, boost, etc

This enables extra calculations, very interesting for calculating best ignition at each rpm point

From my research how they are connecting into aftermarket ECUs. They are connecting to the CAN bus then pulling the Digital Dash info.
This is already planed for ScanTool plugin and about 4th on my list of protocols to add.
Other ECUs that they say they support without CAN or OBD2 they are just setting up the extra outputs on the ECU as 0-5V then using spare analog inputs on the dyno. You can already do this with the 3 onboard inputs or getting a VM167 IO board.

Posted : 02/02/2019 3:31 pm
MjPower reacted
Posts: 0

Hi, bmgjet,

I have a request ;-). A plugin that supports more Thermocouples. For example this one http://www.yoctopuce.com/EN/products/usb-environmental-sensors/yocto-thermocouple.  Or a unit with more, say 8 channels. I only found expensive ones, for example this one https://www.picotech.com/data-logger/tc-08/thermocouple-data-logger  but lower cost items probably exists. I will pay for the hardware if you make the plugin!

[Name] Pico TC-8 
[HW Requirements] 

Provides 8 thermocouple channels

Posted : 02/02/2019 5:35 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter
Posted by: admin

Hi, bmgjet,

I have a request ;-). A plugin that supports more Thermocouples. For example this one http://www.yoctopuce.com/EN/products/usb-environmental-sensors/yocto-thermocouple.  Or a unit with more, say 8 channels. I only found expensive ones, for example this one https://www.picotech.com/data-logger/tc-08/thermocouple-data-logger  but lower cost items probably exists. I will pay for the hardware if you make the plugin!

[Name] Pico TC-8 
[HW Requirements] 

Provides 8 thermocouple channels

Both look quite easy to add since there is source code for both.

First one would personally be my choice because its half the price per port.
Only issue is its only 2 channel. So youd have to also get a USB 4 port Hub and 4 of them. (Which might be a good thing incase you fry a channel its cheaper to get another board to replace that.)

The TC-08 does look a lot tidier tho.
Ill do some digging as well and see if there are any other options and get back to you.

Posted : 02/02/2019 11:50 pm
Posts: 57
Posted by: bmgjet

From my research how they are connecting into aftermarket ECUs. They are connecting to the CAN bus then pulling the Digital Dash info.
This is already planed for ScanTool plugin and about 4th on my list of protocols to add.
Other ECUs that they say they support without CAN or OBD2 they are just setting up the extra outputs on the ECU as 0-5V then using spare analog inputs on the dyno. You can already do this with the 3 onboard inputs or getting a VM167 IO board.

Not sure from other aftermarket ecu, but from Link seems to be direct, is very nice

You can see here:


This ecus are from your country,  seems you NZ guys are very good at the stuff you do

You talked about speeduino, I didn't know about this aftermarket ecu, works ok? are you happy at the cars you installed it? turbo cars or NA?

Posted : 03/02/2019 1:29 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Iv delt with links before. Got a 67 camaro ss at work currently thats running G4 atom with a engine swapped LT1.
Ill give them a phone call tomorrow see if they are willing to share that Coms info with me. Since everything on there forum is limited to CAN connections regarding external datalogging. Hopefully as a fellow NZer they will be more open with me compared to the others Ive reached out to.

If they do share the info ill add it 2nd on the list of protocols.

Posted : 03/02/2019 2:05 am
Posts: 350

What about what BMGJet posted the USB interface  vm167 velleman and  eight (8) individual arduino k type thermocouple shield which are very cheap.  Each unit around $5.

There are many other 8 channel thermocouple K-type shield around also 



Posted : 03/02/2019 5:19 am
Posts: 57

I have installed a few here too and I love the software, very nice when you get used to it.

What about speeduino? is good for non turbo cars? years ago I had some experiences with megasquirt and was not happy with it, sometimes when you try to do cheap you just get in to trouble, so I prefer to spend more on the ecu and avoid future problems

Posted : 03/02/2019 12:30 pm
Posts: 0

Mach_1, yes that will work. 

But it gets a bit fiddly with all those connections and boards. A finished, calibrated 8 ch thermocouple interface box with 1 usb cable would be nice! I'm sure it is pretty easy to make a plugin for it.  


Posted : 04/02/2019 12:32 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Few updates from me:

[Aftermarket ECU] Link
Rang link ECU today. Spoke to a guy name Simon who thinks there shouldn't be any problem with getting me access to the Dyno Comms serial protocol.
But said to flick though a email and it will have to go though the approval process and make sure with his higher ups that there is no conflict of interest with it being a mainline dyno exclusive.

Been a bit too busy to look too deeply into this but so far.
My fav choice looks to be AEM 8 channel K type thermocouple over CAN.
Costs $400 NZD which is better then the $600NZD TC-08.
Im working on CAN support already so would be basically plug and play once you get a USB CAN adapter.

Other wise Arduino Mega with 8 thermocouple shields is looking like the best bang for buck choice.
Could put it together in a simple box with LCD for around $90NZD. That way it works stand alone showing temps on LCD even when not connected to dyno.
And being individual thermocouples if one gets blown or damaged some how its not buggy to swap out that single channel.

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by bmgjet
Posted : 04/02/2019 1:00 am
Posts: 57

Very nice!! I appreciate a lot all your effort, this is getting incredible  🍾  🍾  🍾  🍾 

Posted : 04/02/2019 1:10 am
Posts: 350

Posted by: Amelia
Very nice!! I appreciate a lot all your effort, this is getting incredible 🍾 🍾 🍾 🍾

Yes indeed great work and progress , I'm envious and in glee for you Honda guys. Keep up the great work
PS - Looks like i might have to buy a Honda for a test mule.


Posted by: admin
Mach_1, yes that will work.
But it gets a bit fiddly with all those connections and boards. A finished, calibrated 8 ch thermocouple interface box with 1 usb cable would be nice! I'm sure it is pretty easy to make a plugin for it.

I was thinking along the lines of a Free standing Main_Expansion_Box that houses all the
bits and pieces like the SF unit I posted a picture of , where one can custom make his own
length cable as per requirement T_type water and oil & EGT K_type thermocouple exhaust probe
high temperature sensors.

This way just buy K_type thermocouple miniature YELLOW socket & panel mount alloy plug connector and appropriate wire
0-500C Temperature Range K Type Thermocouple Extension Wire Cable 3mm Width
( OR Silver Tone Metal K Type Thermocouple Extension Wire ) and make to suit ones requirements.

Even still having eight (8) thermocouples connection on the test engine in a engine dyno or chassis dyno
application amongst the other items connected is going to be messy & fiddly.

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by Mach_1
Posted : 04/02/2019 2:07 am
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