Q&A Forum

Topics: 5 / Replies: 7
RE: Printed dyno graphs and adding maybe a water mark logo of our company

@admin hi the release of adding ,info bhp torque, in the landscape , when printing ?? is this fetcher still being added ?? thanks peter

4 years ago
RE: rpm2 error issues , rpm2,is there a hardware test on the blue box

Hi, i'll wait,untill my ,frelance coder,finishes my rpm to obd2 device, code

6 years ago
RE: rpm2 error issues , rpm2,is there a hardware test on the blue box

Hi, As said before rpm2 don't work I have spent 100's of hours and $$ to resolve Hardware fault I Getting a black box made to bypass the rpm2 input.vi...

6 years ago
RE: rpm2 error issues , rpm2,is there a hardware test on the blue box

hi still bug fixing this system the only thing that dosn"t work correctly is rpm2 as an Rpm input still rpm errors bought another rpm converter to p...

6 years ago
RE: rpm2 error issues , rpm2,is there a hardware test on the blue box

Hi Thanks for quick reply Yes 60tooth trigger wheel I wonted best as posible reading No gear changes .motor 26 teeth to 50 teeth rear wheel 19inch ....

6 years ago
RE: rpm2 error issues , rpm2,is there a hardware test on the blue box

hi attached is the files requested manual input gear ratio gives correct rpm but when use rpm input to get ratio, digtal/anolgo guage mmmmm, reads ve...

6 years ago
RE: rpm input from rpm converter

Hi Wheel spin Www.bike-dyno.com.au Is my mobile motor cycle dyno I use an Australian system Dtec version 2 Has lot features Can plot wheel spin. Vs ro...

7 years ago
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