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rpm input from rpm converter

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Posts: 12
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rpm input ?

i currently use a rpm converter on my DTEC inertia dyno

i can read rpm from spark plugs


read from ecu also 

if your just using roller as main rpm input ,, slippage... cause bhp/torque/rpm/ time error


what system as rpm engine input is your dyno using


multi spark per rpm ...eg harley fire twice in 1 rpm

Posted : 04/06/2018 12:05 pm
Posts: 0


The system uses roller RPM only. You need to either enter the gear ratio or let the system calculate the gear ratio, from there you get engine RPM.

Posted : 05/06/2018 10:42 pm
Posts: 245

ive used on my old dyno an inductive clamp for rpm. you can use obd for take rpm too but i when i tested some cars with a lot of tracction losses, it Will not worth as test, on yourdyno i asume Will make a weird pull dyno sheet but anyway if you have good rpm Reading and you still have traction losses problems, you cant get a good test. i think i Will be worried first to get all cars dont loost traction for get better readings on the dyno.

Posted : 06/06/2018 10:14 am
Posts: 12
Topic starter


Wheel spin


Is my mobile motor cycle dyno

I use an Australian system Dtec version 2

Has lot features

Can plot wheel spin. Vs roller rpm/ tourque


I have spend many hours / months bug fixing this system

Your dyno

Best feature is able to control a load cell ... eddy current

I'm tying to justify the $1000 aud 



Posted : 06/06/2018 3:08 pm
Posts: 0

Yes, lots of requests for using one RPM input for engine RPM and the other for roller RPM. It is next on the to-do list, just very busy times now. 

Posted : 06/06/2018 6:47 pm
Posts: 14

will this issue be addressed on version 4 to use engine as well as wheel speed rpm

Posted : 14/06/2018 8:35 am
Posts: 0

Yes. It is just a software update.

Posted : 16/06/2018 12:21 am
Posts: 14

Brilliant the addition would make this even more accurate

Posted : 16/06/2018 3:10 am
Posts: 350

Dtec gauges/graphs screen display look awesome but Darren no long does dyno load control Darren only sells inertia dyno software/hardwre his main guy who did the electronics hardware and software suddenly passed away. 


Posted : 16/06/2018 8:40 am
Posts: 245
Posted by: admin

Yes. It is just a software update.

What speed sensor would do you recommend

Posted : 16/06/2018 10:09 am
Posts: 350

Would be nice just to interface on the ignition coil negative side and inform the siftware what it is reading ( ie different ignition systems 2,3,4,5,6,,,,,12 cylinder engines,  waste spark so on. ) so it graphs side by side with differential speed and  engine RPM. 

Posted : 17/06/2018 8:38 am
Posts: 0

I agree it nice with a feature to input wasted spark, etc. I will include this. 

The signal that is connected to YourDyno must be a 0-5V signal. There are a few options.

  1. It can come from the primary side of the coil (12V) with a simple 5.1V zener + 1k resistor circuit to convert to 0-5V.
  2. Hall effect sensors like the one used by YourDyno can also detect current pulses, so it may be possible to just tape a standard YourDyno sensor to the spark plug wire. I will test a bit.
  3. Lots of ECUs have a tach output that you can connect to. 
  4. Anything else that produces a 0-5V signal with a frequency that follows the engine speed.


Posted : 17/06/2018 11:11 pm
Posts: 245

just asking..it's not posible to convert using rpm signal to show speed? with rpm and gear ratio it's not posible maybe? 

Posted : 17/06/2018 11:27 pm
Posts: 350
Posted by: admin

I agree it nice with a feature to input wasted spark, etc. I will include this. 

The signal that is connected to YourDyno must be a 0-5V signal. There are a few options.

  1. It can come from the primary side of the coil (12V) with a simple 5.1V zener + 1k resistor circuit to convert to 0-5V.
  2. Hall effect sensors like the one used by YourDyno can also detect current pulses, so it may be possible to just tape a standard YourDyno sensor to the spark plug wire. I will test a bit.
  3. Lots of ECUs have a tach output that you can connect to. 
  4. Anything else that produces a 0-5V signal with a frequency that follows the engine speed.


Like you said ,Yes nearly all(most) vehicles have a tacho out in the engine bay and understand  its a 12Volt need to be stepped down to a 5 volt signal to interface with yourdyno hardware.

The issue i see using " Hall effect sensors like the one used by YourDyno can " with a lot of cars/motorcycles and engines the spark plug wires which are hidden under manifolds and covers and not to mention the coil_on_plug arrangements on a lot of  cars too,  which are difficult to access.

Be nice if you could somehow canbus the OBD2 into the yourdyno on one of the inputs.

Posted : 18/06/2018 1:12 am
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