Q&A Forum
I think i will wait for Jostein to do some more work on the guide, no doubt he has enough on his plate!
The problem is that there are so many variables. Different power supplies have different reaction speeds, then there is the number of pulses per rev,...
Bluetooth worked for me on a BMW M4 on a £5 dongle 🙂 Could you make the graph resizeable? And a choice of colour as i find the green very difficult t...
I can't see any of the above variables in the speedanddistamce source, do i need to import something else? Also, there are no Static variables? publ...
How can the brakes be forced while in the RPM setup screen?
Ok great I will try that tomorrow. No point reversing Wifi if by works!
They are really cheap on eBay here in the UK, I think you are in Oz? What abor Bluetooth? I have one of those somewhere.
Is it possible that Wireless ELM interfaces can be supported? I had a quick look today and nothing appeared in the list of Com ports etc when i connec...
Does Yourdyno not natively do real time power and torque graphs?
With inertia there are a number of ways you can approach it. It would be good to set the dyno inertia bit it’s. It way to do as any measuring will al...
Couple of practical points for those of us that test a lot of cars: Inertia saved in sessions: with light rollers, the intertia of the vehicle can be ...