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Support for Stepper motors released

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Hi Eric, for the hydraulic brake you should try the Brake sweep. Start at for example 6000RPM,  then set for example 5 to 10% brake rate, keep start rpm for say 2 sec.


Posted : 26/06/2018 9:31 pm
Posts: 103

Hi Jostein, now I'm still working for improve hardware setup, when it will be finish (I hope very soon) I will try brake sweep, but I think that with correct size pump the dyno must work also without sweep brake. 

Posted : 26/06/2018 9:59 pm
Posts: 0
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I agree, but just to let you know the Brake sweep should also be good for your setup, and easier to find the best settings for. 

Posted : 26/06/2018 10:09 pm
Posts: 103
Posted by: admin

I agree, but just to let you know the Brake sweep should also be good for your setup, and easier to find the best settings for. 

Very good, Im eager to try it! Do you have make a video to explain how sweep brake works? 

Posted : 26/06/2018 10:12 pm
Posts: 3
Posted by: eric91
Posted by: admin

I agree, but just to let you know the Brake sweep should also be good for your setup, and easier to find the best settings for. 

Very good, Im eager to try it! Do you have make a video to explain how sweep brake works? 

Hello Eric could you send me photos of your Dyno to my email? pepetruenomejia@hotmail.com 

Posted : 20/11/2018 5:55 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi, you have 9700 steps between 0 and full brake? That's a lot! With 2000 steps per sec, then it takes about 5 sec from 0 to full brake, that's too slow. 

Have you turned on micro stepping, if so turn it off. Otherwise, the only solution is to gear it or change the valve.

Posted : 20/11/2018 11:49 pm
Posts: 7
Member Customer



I am running a test setup with 40cc pump and AC motor.  The valve is controlled manualy at the moment.

I am looking how to connect the TB6600 green driver board to the blue box. It has the following connections: +5V, CLK-, CW-, EN-

The same boards is usen for my CNC where it work OK. the used connections are only +5V, CLK-, CW-


CLK-, CW- I can connect to blue box, what about +5V?

TB6600 bottom



Posted : 14/10/2020 6:08 am
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