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Mustang asm 97

30 Posts
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Posts: 11
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Hi i am new but what i need is help on wiring the eddy brake control it has 3 wires   i-con  , i-sig & i-pow  i would add a pic but see no way to do that 

Posted : 29/10/2019 2:05 am
Posts: 11
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hi just need a bit of help i have a old Mustang emission dyno and the power supply works with a 0-5v signal and there are 3 wires going to the board I-Con , I-Sig & I-Pow how is this wred do i just need 2 wires or use all 3

[img] [/img]

Posted : 29/10/2019 3:31 am
Posts: 0

What you could try is to connect a 0-5v adjustable power supply to icon and isig and see if that controls the brake. Try this before connecting to YourDyno. 

Posted : 29/10/2019 10:26 am
Posts: 9



I am building a ASM97 currently as well!


My advice is be careful with that eddy power supply. I made a bonehead move trying to scope the load side waveform. My scope wasn't isolated from ground and I let the smoke out of that card. I found a burnt trace on the pcb and repaired that but now all it does is produce full power, I cant modulate it with a 0-5v or 0-10v.


I am excited to see your build. I am currently re-gearing mine to slow the flywheel and eddy down so I can spin the rollers at a much faster speed than the rated "60 mph"

Posted : 29/10/2019 9:15 pm
Posts: 11
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I finally talked talked to a guy on DIY Dyno on facebook and me told me how to wire it up  on analog out the ground wire goes to 0V and the signal goes to out B but i have not wired it yet but will in the next few days when i get some free time at the shop .

Posted : 31/10/2019 2:28 am
Posts: 0

Yes, analog out is OutB and 0V. Remember to swap the jumpers inside to the analog position. See https://yourdyno.com/YourDynoHelp/brake-control-basics/



Posted : 31/10/2019 8:23 am
Posts: 11
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Ok the brake is working now i just need to wire the roller rpm and load sensors it is really simple once you find the info you need 

Posted : 31/10/2019 10:28 pm
Posts: 11
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has anyone used this for engine rpm MSD Ignition 8918 Tach Signal GMR Pickup this is the inf on it 

Posted : 01/11/2019 3:16 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for that tip. This MSD Ignition 8918 Tach Signal GMR Pickup looks good! I will order one for test.

It should be possible to connect directly to YourDyno's second RPM input. Note it MUST be powered by 5V, or it may damage the YourDyno board. 

Posted : 02/11/2019 12:09 am
Posts: 11
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? while setting up the load cell i see Dyno/drivetrain Moment of inertia Hub / Roller is this the inertia weight as i have not been able to find what to set that at 


Posted : 02/11/2019 3:43 am
Posts: 11
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anyone know how to make the warm up motor work i took a look at what i think are the wires that control it one said V+ the 2 others say forward and reverse so i am thinking it is a 0 to 5v one the V+ and depending on what other wire you use would make it go forward or reverse does that sound right 

Posted : 05/11/2019 3:31 am
Posts: 0

@mark, there is a video on the YourDyno youtube channel on how to determine the MOI. 

The "warm up motor", what is that in reference to? 

Posted : 07/11/2019 8:50 pm
Posts: 11
Topic starter

there is a electric motor on my dyno with a thin belt that goes to the rollers and could spin things up also my dyno has some airbags to lift part of it but i am not sure what they are for


Posted : 07/11/2019 11:30 pm
Posts: 0

The airbags are for lifting the bar in the middle between the rollers to get the car out. You need to control this separately with compressed air.

I don't know what that electric motor is. Normally there is no need to spin up the rollers, the car under test does that. Don't connect it to the YourDyno box. You can post a picture of it, maybe we know when we see it.

Posted : 07/11/2019 11:55 pm
Posts: 5
Member Customer

Did you have a chance to test the MSD 8918?

Posted : 20/11/2019 11:11 pm
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