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MSD 8918

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Posts: 37
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I am adding the MSD 8918 rpm sensor and would like to verify the wiring.

I have the SparkFun Breakout and in the Wiki it has a note concerning boxes with either V+ or 5+terminals. (see 2nd attachment)

My box has the V+ terminals. (see 1st attachment)

I take it I need to run a wire from the SparkFun to an unused 5+ terminal (I am only using one load cell, so can use the 2nd load cell 5v)


This topic was modified 5 years ago 2 times by captndiet
Posted : 12/01/2020 12:04 am
Posts: 0

Yes, do not use the V+ to power the SparkFun Breakout board. V+ is about 6.5 volt and you need 5V. Take from LoadCell2 for example. 

Posted : 12/01/2020 1:05 am
Posts: 37
Topic starter

Thank you Sir !!

Posted : 12/01/2020 2:17 am
Posts: 27

I just added this same setup.  I can get the RPM2 gauge to read the signal correctly, but I can not get the "ENGINE RPM" to register this signal on the gauge.  Under RPM setup, I have the RPM2 input function set to ENGINE RPM, but I'm not getting anything.  Am I doing something wrong?

Posted : 04/04/2022 11:21 pm
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