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At the Gear ratio setup the dropdown menu (for the RPM source) not updated with the updated "CAN tool" plugn's entries until a restart.

BTW a dropdown list with the previously used ratios with a short label would be fine here 🙂

also in manual break mode the auto start/stop on/off checkbox should be ignored. 

(now, when the RPM reaches the 'auto off RPM' (Ie the retarted can't hold...) the Result popup windows comes on...)


Posted : 17/09/2024 3:23 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

@hondarulez The dropdown for RPM sources is updated when you start the Run window. This is the same for the list of available gauges for example. Always restart the Run window when you change the channel setup.

You can use Auto start with Manual brake control if you want. Auto stop too, which can make sense if you manually step the RPM from a start to and end RPM. Turn off Auto detect early stop.

If you use Manual brake control to do steady state tuning, it is often best to not start the recording at all, since these runs can be very long and you look at the results in real time rather than afterwards.

Posted : 29/09/2024 10:20 am
Posts: 0
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Hi folks,

YourDyno software 3.3.89 (beta) is released today. Changes:

  • New handling of variable gear ratio option. When this option is chosen, the direct engine rpm channel takes over the brake control and auto start/stop. To use the variable gear ratio option, make sure to have a clean, fast updating direct Engine RPM channel. OBD2 and CAN bus work fine, or some other digital channel. An inductive RPM Pickup may have some noise, which can cause brake control issues when used as the master Engine RPM channel, so it is not recommended
  • Auto zero load cell functionality. This is practical to get rid of any drift due to temperature for example. The load cell(s) will be auto zeroed whenever the Run window is opened if the brake RPMs are all 0. This functionality is turned on and off here: Options->Basic dyno setup->Brake dyno with load cell(s)
  • Added CAN bus dbc (configuration) files for Plex Knock monitor, Plex Knock v3 Simple and Plex Knock v3 Extended
  • Added blue sweep indicator in the analog Speed gauge when testing vs speed instead of vs RPM (for example Power sweep vs Speed)
  • Some other minor cleanups


As always, please report any issues.


Posted : 29/09/2024 11:01 am
Posts: 2
Member Customer


I've just installed a pht200 weather sensor and setup with the plugin. Is it possible to have this sensor data (ambient temp, pressure and humidity) displayed on the run screen? If not, this would be great in an update.

Also in a previous version I could drag the post run splash screen to a position of choice and it would open there everytime. Could this be implemented in a new version?

Cheers Mark

Posted : 01/10/2024 10:48 am
Posts: 0
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@mark-mckerlie that is a reasonably request. I will add it to the list.

Posted : 18/10/2024 11:43 am
Posts: 43


I just installed the latest 2 versions 3.3.88/3.3.89.

Today I try to recalibrate everything, but the raw data loading does not works. The torque value is missing and the other values gives total different qurves after loading the raw log file compared to the original run.

installed the 3.3.85 that loads the raw log file without error but does not show anything in the result windows.

I used uncompressed raw datalogging..

I just attached a raw log file..., it was a ramp run (RPM 1500-5500-1500).

All the compensations was turned off.

Any idea ?


This post was modified 5 months ago by HondaRulez
Posted : 22/10/2024 6:24 pm
Posts: 43


Today went back to 3.3.85

Made a very short run (just hold at 1500 RPM), all calibration are turned off.

just after saving the real run, loaded several times,

all loads gives different results (without touching any settings)

after the 3rd load, the torqe values are disapeared... (at this pont the environmental settings was changed)

also installed the latest version on an another PC, the log was loaded but nothing displayed...


Posted : 23/10/2024 1:05 pm
Posts: 43

The frictional loses was left On, but if turned of same results...

Posted : 23/10/2024 1:33 pm
Posts: 40

Trying to install 3.3.89 but get this message


Posted : 24/10/2024 12:39 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi folks,

YourDyno version 3.3.91 (Beta) was released today. Changes

  • Much better data crop (cutting parts of the data graph). You can now crop the graphs in Results vs Time and the results also get updated in Results vs RPM and in the Data tables. You can also cut in Results vs RPM or any other graph. There is also an Crop curve Undo feature.  The cropped run is stored in the csv file when you save the run after a crop. To crop a graph, hold the Ctrl button and drag with the mouse over the area you want to crop. Right click and select "Undo graph crop" to undo
  • Faster (less CPU intensive) handling of many CAN channels
  • Fix of Auto start/stop for brake control modes vs Speed (for example Power Sweep vs Speed or Speed vs Time curve)
  • Fix of data recording sometimes being stopped too early when individual data channels have different noise filtering settings





Posted : 18/11/2024 2:54 pm
Marco reacted
Posts: 57

Posted by: @hondarulez


I just installed the latest 2 versions 3.3.88/3.3.89.

Today I try to recalibrate everything, but the raw data loading does not works. The torque value is missing and the other values gives total different qurves after loading the raw log file compared to the original run.

installed the 3.3.85 that loads the raw log file without error but does not show anything in the result windows.

I used uncompressed raw datalogging..

I just attached a raw log file..., it was a ramp run (RPM 1500-5500-1500).

All the compensations was turned off.

Any idea ?



I have this problem also.  

On the weekend I did some runs using 3.3.79 and I always store the raw data.

I did load some of these raw files afterwards and they worked properly.

Today I updated to 3.3.91 and tried to re-run the raw files as I realised my gear ratio wasn't quite right but they produce wildly incorrect HP numbers when loaded under 3.3.91.


I'm guessing the format of the raw files isn't set in stone and may change between versions as more features' are added?  Is this what's happening Jostein?


Posted : 02/12/2024 9:28 pm
Posts: 57

A bit more info...

I stepped back to 3.3.85 and the raw data import worked properly again.  This version also has the updates for editing the gauge screen so it will be my happy spot for a while 🙂


Posted : 02/12/2024 11:34 pm
Posts: 27
Member Admin

@bendd and others reporting issues when re-running old raw files.

First of all, use csv format to store runs. I see some folks use log files instead, this is not the way to do it. Log files are normally just for debugging/testing new setups.

If you need to rerun a log file for some reason, then here are some tips:

  • Gear ratio settings. Lately the variable gear ratio was introduced. If the gear ratio was calculated from OBD2 or CAN bus data during the run, then this will not work when you rerun the log file as those data channels are not part of the log file
  • Auto zero load cell. This option is on by default and will re-zero the load cell when you open the Run window (if the RPM is 0). So results may be very slightly different if you re-run an old run. If the load cell is not connected, then you get wild numbers when re-running a log file. Turn the option off if needed
  • The current Auto stop and Auto detect Early stop settings are used when reading a raw file. Change them if needed
  • Log file format may differ slightly between versions. Csv files are backward and forward compatible

Don't hesitate to reach out when you have any problems to jostein@yourdyno.com. To be able to help I need 3 files:

  • Your settings file (Options->Backup options to file)
  • The log file
  • The corresponding csv file

Limit the mail to include these 3 files of a single run.

Posted : 03/12/2024 3:21 pm
Posts: 27
Member Admin


YourDyno version 3.3.93 (beta) was released today. 


  • CAN bus improvements when using the bus heavily (faster implementation). The firmware needs to be updated to take advantage of this improvement (Options->Firmware upgrade)
  • Some Auto start/stop improvements 
  • Noise filtering. In version 3.3.91, some channels had no noise filtering, for example for the brake channels. They now behave like other channels where the user can choose the noise filtering level. For the brake channels (Brake%, Kp, Ki and Kd etc), it is recommended to turn filtering off to better monitor the brake performance, but this is now up to the user. This is done in Options->Visual styles
  • The PTH200 plugin for external weather station (mostly used for older YourDyno units) now have the temperature, pressure and humidity data channels available for gauges/graphs/tables

As always, let me know of any issues (jostein@yourdyno.com). 


Posted : 03/12/2024 3:38 pm
Posts: 27
Member Admin

Folks, one CAN bus file was missing from the 3.3.93 install file. Fixed in version 3.3.94


Posted : 04/12/2024 9:28 am
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