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Posts: 43

Wow, It's very good news 🙂

few remarks:

after installing this version tells me the MOI correcttion is on while manual brake mode is ON.

I frequently switching between the manual and Power sweep modes.

so auto turn off MOI while manual mode is ON would be fine. (maybe as a option in the settings) .

abouth the live graph, its very cool and working fine but the jumping numbersin on the scales is a little confuse me.

so the time scaling would be zero aligned and negative time range like T-1, sec T-2 sec and so on... the dispalyed randge depend on a X zoom settings.

with autoscale the jumping can be high too, so a centered mode would be fine where I can set the centre value of the graph's like 200 Nn... in this case I just seeing the 200 +/- 100 Nm or so depend on the Y zoom settings


Posted : 14/08/2019 12:59 pm
Posts: 245

I use a lot manual mode and Rpm curve but dont see why to off MOI, any special reason?

Posted : 14/08/2019 1:09 pm
Posts: 43

after few test 🙂

wide wiew of the graphs would be fine too 🙂

also after switching between the gauge modes the scale become corrupted...


Posted : 14/08/2019 1:40 pm
Posts: 62

Would it be possible to graph vs RPM or speed instead of just time?  Also, to show a number as well as the graph plot?

Posted : 14/08/2019 1:50 pm
HondaRulez reacted
Posts: 43

BTW the live graph is very helpfull to setup the PID, well visible the oscillation/overshoots.

a "Pause sample" or stopp scrolling button  ? ? to have to time to analyse the graphs 😉

Posted : 14/08/2019 3:30 pm
Posts: 19

Is it possible to change how the gauges are resized? IE....want to make a live graph gauge wide and short.... Can this be done? 

Posted : 14/08/2019 6:16 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the nice feedback guys.

Regarding the MOI compensation in manual mode. The idea here is that in manual mode the RPM will hover around the set point but will have lots of micro accelerations all the time that translates into torque readings with the MOI compensation option on. We don't need that, we want the load cell reading (averaged a bit). If you click Yes, then the MOI compensation is turned off. You can choose to leave it on if you want. 

@dev, yes, possible to graph vs RPM. But it will be unreadable in anything but a smoothly increasing or decreasing RPM curve. It is a simple change though, let me check.

@hondarules, the x-axis is just a running number so does not matter really, but could you tell me how you got it to show the decimal number? Actually the graph is paused if analog or digital are selected (to save CPU a bit) but I will change it so it restarts from 0 if you swap back and forth, that is a bit more logical. 

Yes, rectangular gauges as opposed to quadratic are more needed now, I will put that on the list. 

Posted : 14/08/2019 8:00 pm
Posts: 62

I've tuned quite a few cars with live graphs now.  95% is done with power sweeps.  The real benefit from live graphs is being to watch it being overlaid on a previous run.  I can then abort the run if i see power is not going where i want it to rather than having to complete the entire run.

I'm not sure how this would work with the current interface.



Posted : 15/08/2019 3:06 pm
Posts: 0
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The live graphs are basically made for steady state tuning, i.e. tuning of ignition and fuel at a certain RPM. You can also use it when adjusting PID parameters on the brake and I'm sure many other scenarios too, but steady state tuning is the most important usage.

For the comparison of one run with another, you need to watch the graphs in the results window. 

Posted : 25/08/2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 0
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YourDyno version 3.2.54was released today. 


  • Ability to store retardation data, and reuse it in the next run. This has several advantages:
    • Any noise or bumps in the retardation data is removed, because a mathematical representation of the retardation data is worked out and used instead of the actual retardation data.
    • Ability to correct for retardation losses at lower and higher RPM than where the actual retardation was recorded. This is again made possible because of the mathematical representation of the losses.
    • No need to do the retardation run more than once for the session, thereby saving time. Turn on the option "Use brake to slow down rotation when run is complete" to quickly finish the run.
  • Improved noise reduction algorithm. Previously the amount of noise reduction was depending on the length of the run. This is no longer the case. Note: you might need to adjust your noise reduction setting slightly.
  • Ability to backup and restore all settings. This is useful if you experiment with settings, but also if you need assistance from someone else (including me) to debug your setup. A raw file plus the full settings file will get us a long way. 
  • A number of smaller cleanups

Hope you like it!


Posted : 03/11/2019 12:47 am
Posts: 245

Hi! what does affect exactly? my hub dyno really works great with Engine hp calculations. just i have some spikes at the end as i posted before, i my case, i just able the new option "enable correction for rolling resistance vs speed from retardation data"  and keep 0,0 % for power correction factor?

Sounds very interested for any noise when drivetrain losses are calculating ,i hope to test it soon!


Posted : 03/11/2019 1:58 am
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@walter, spikes at the end of the retardation data will be gone if you use the stored retardation data 😀. You can still use 0% power correction as you want! 

Posted : 03/11/2019 9:51 am
Posts: 43

Moving power correction settings (enviromental, constant and coasting) to the session setting would be nice because I use different settings for different car/session.

also adding a MOI correction would be nice too.(simly adding this # to the MOI values/retarder. negative # must be allowed)

also when I update the software the secondary retarder always switched off.

Posted : 03/11/2019 1:33 pm
Posts: 0
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YourDyno v3.2.55 is available now. It removes information about horsepower correction/calibration in the results table and in the print out.

Good idea on storing the correction settings/MOI in the session setting, I will add this next time.


Posted : 03/11/2019 7:27 pm
HondaRulez reacted
Posts: 0
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A few people asked to not show it. Correction factors factors can be a contentious point with customers. Maybe I make an option to have it shown or not ;-). 


Posted : 03/11/2019 8:23 pm
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