Q&A Forum
Hello, Im about to purchase a yourdyno system. I will be building a hydraulic Brake Dyno for 2 stroke go karts between 6-30 HP.
My Plan is to buy a:
PUMP --- 2.07 cu in Dynamic GP-F25-34-P-C Hydraulic Pump ( https://www.surpluscenter.com/Hydraulics/Hydraulic-Pumps/Gear-Pumps/2-07-cu-in-Dynamic-GP-F25-34-P-C-Hydraulic-Pump-9-12242-B.axd )
VALVE CONTROL -- 3/4 NPT 25 GPM Prince WFC-1200 Inline Flow Control https://www.surpluscenter.com/Hydraulics/Hydraulic-Valves/Flow-Control-Valves/3-4-NPT-25-GPM-Prince-WFC-1200-Inline-Flow-Control-9-7960-12.axd
STEPPER MOTOR FOR VALVE CONTROL 34 NEMA-- https://www.ebay.com/itm/USA-free-Wantai-1Axis-Nema34-Stepper-Motor-1232oz-in-5-6A-4-Lead-Driver-CNC-Kit/221424267383
TEMPERATURE SENSOR (CHT) TYPE K https://www.ebay.com/itm/Temperature-Sensors-K-Type-CHT-with-14mm-id-Washer-for-Cylinder-Head/253138055676?var=552224004494
RPM Sensor
Maybe a spark plug RPM pickup for direct engine RPM.
Then i have some questions i wish some of you could answer.
1. How can i control the throttle? Do i need to control it? Maybe a servo assisted throttle?
2. What other material/ key component do i need for starting the build up?
Thank you, Gerardo.