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Dyno Wizard
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Been putting most my time lately into BlueCAN.
Here is another demo video, Testing range across my house with signal going through 3 walls and seeing if noise filtering works.

Bluetooth default sampling rate is 50hz, If it gets 5 failed packets of information it will drop down 10hz for each time it gets 5 failed packets.
This helps it work in a noisy envorment. And how I can get best range for a given speed, If it gets 1000 samples with no errors and is below 50hz it will try to go up by 10hz.

Have also added all the commonly used CAN Speeds from 5KBPS to 1000KBPS.
And im testing some important features.

Posted : 03/04/2019 8:28 am
MjPower reacted
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Lots more features added to BlueCAN.
3 Channel Analog input 0-5V (On board switch to select output to Bluetooth and/or Straight to CAN Bus)
Standalone mode (1000kbps / 500kbps switch, Will connect with out CANTool for use with other logging programs or just as CAN Translator)
3 Channel Analoug Output 0-5V(Outputs Dyno HP,NM,AUX1)
Reprogram HC-05 Mode (Programs Bluetooth module to optimum settings for those putting there own kits together)
Reset Arduino Serial Number (Used for registering DIY assembled BlueCAN kits)

Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vc-hY2I_38

Along with all the supporting changes to CANTool for those features next update will have.
YourDyno CAN Bus Output enabled. (This outputs RPM,NM,HP,AUX1 onto the CAN Bus.)

Will have more details over the next few days on how to put your own kit together. Or you can wait until I have some put together in cases.

Posted : 06/04/2019 1:44 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Update: A07

Mostly added functions for BlueCAN.
YourDyno CAN Output enabled, (Still lots of work required and testing on ECUs)
Current CAN format:
b0 = (byte) RPM,
b1 = (byte) (RPM >> 8),
b2 = (byte) NM,
b3 = (byte) (NM >> 8),
b4 = (byte) HP,
b5 = (byte) (HP >> 8),
b6 = (byte) A1,
b7 = (byte) (A1 >> 8);

BlueCAN PCB design.

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by bmgjet
Posted : 07/04/2019 7:16 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Update: A07.1:

Fix bug where CANTool would freeze if you connected before the node list had loaded data from XML file.

This post was modified 6 years ago by bmgjet
Posted : 08/04/2019 5:48 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Here is basic pinout for some one thats want to do some bug testing for me with the DIY version.

Hardware: Arduino Nano R 3.0, MCP2515 Canbus adapter, HC-05 Bluetooth adapter.


PCB revision 2.

I usually go though a couple dozen revisions before deciding on a final board to get manifactured.
My method is to use my vynal cutter to draw out the PCB then lay all the compoants out on it and see how everything fits together.

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by bmgjet
Posted : 09/04/2019 12:52 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

PCB revision 3.

Quite like the look of this design so sent off for 5 board to get made to use for testing to see how well the analoug inputs fare with them passing next to the 5V trace for the MCP2515.

Posted : 10/04/2019 8:05 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Had full day of testing the noise filtering and rate control for the bluetooth part with an engine on the bench dyno.
Worked perfectly even placed right next to the ignition coil.
Couldnt really show too much in the video since it was during working hours.

Posted : 11/04/2019 7:25 am
Walter reacted
Posts: 245

amazing! how do you connect 4 EGT sensors? any possibility for connect 4 widebands too?

Posted : 12/04/2019 11:11 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

If your running CANBus at 1000kbps you can use up to 30 nodes.
So can add as many sensors as you want with in that limit.

For example
"ECUMaster EGT CAN adapter" uses 2 nodes for 8 EGT sensors.
Then you could use 4X "14point7 Spartan 3s or Link CAN Lambda".

And still have room for 24 other CAN Bus sensors.

Im adding sensors as people request.
Its easist to add support for them if I get sent one to write support with. But it can be done just using debug log and lots of your time testing builds and changes as MjPower found out with adding support for EMUBlack.

Posted : 12/04/2019 11:46 am
Posts: 245

Nice! im looking for buy parts and test here, what do i exactly need? only this?

Arduino Nano R 3.0, MCP2515 Canbus adapter, HC-05 Bluetooth adapter.

Posted : 12/04/2019 11:55 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

1X 1K resistor
1X 2K resistor
To drop the TX from the nano to safe level for HC-05 as seen in my wiring diagram.

A breadboard and set of male and female duepoint wires will make hooking everything up together easier.
Then powering it you have a few choices.
Either power from USB using something like 12V ciggy adapter.
Hook directly into ECU 5V and connect to 5V pin
Or use the 7-16V input pin (Just note not all Nano's are made equally in regard to this input pin, The offical spec says 6-20V min/max. But with all the chinese clones and such out there some only do 6-12V which wont work on a car since it will go up to 15V with a alternator running)

When you have all the parts together send me a PM and ill get you a copy of the latest firmware to upload onto it.
Havnt posted a version of firmware on here yet since its changing a lot day to day.

Then ofcourse you need some CAN Nodes to connect to it or a Supported ECU that outputs CAN messages.

This post was modified 6 years ago by bmgjet
Posted : 12/04/2019 12:05 pm
Posts: 245

Ok! where do you get EGT sensors?

Posted : 12/04/2019 12:06 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Im not sure where MjPower bought it from, He is the one that sent me it.
But here is there website.

So you could follow there distributors list.

Posted : 12/04/2019 12:09 pm
Posts: 245

maybe this Will Works? EGT sensor aliexpress

Posted : 12/04/2019 12:38 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

Those are the type of sensors it will work with. But you need the CAN Bus Node,(It controls the sensors and turns it into data sent onto a CAN Bus like how you have a controller for your wideband O2 sensor).

Posted : 12/04/2019 12:44 pm
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