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[Plugin] ScanTool

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Posted by: Mach_1

Hi BMGJet, what about the Australian & New Zealand FORD ( falcons BA,BF & FG's) OBD2 connections will it work ?

My tuning support for Ford's only extends to au series 2. Should work with them tho for reading PIDs and error codes with the right scantool. Have tested with eBay elm that has switch on side of it for scanning Ford's.

Don't know of any flash commands tho since they are tuned using the jport.

Posted : 24/01/2019 11:16 am
Posts: 350
Posted by: bmgjet
Posted by: Mach_1

Hi BMGJet, what about the Australian & New Zealand FORD ( falcons BA,BF & FG's) OBD2 connections will it work ?

My tuning support for Ford's only extends to au series 2. Should work with them tho for reading PIDs and error codes with the right scantool. Have tested with eBay elm that has switch on side of it for scanning Ford's.

Don't know of any flash commands tho since they are tuned using the jport.

Hi BMGJet , that is why I mentioned the Tactrix Openport 2.0 "  ? Obd2 connector before ,  I know that works with the later model falcons. Not many people  playing around with the Falcon AU series 1,2,&3's . More people are playing around with the Barra 4.0lt DOHC eninges in the Falcon BA,BF and FG's and not to mention the quad cam V8's. 😀 


This post was modified 6 years ago by Mach_1
Posted : 25/01/2019 1:00 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
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Posted by: bmgjet

Update #A2:
Lots more bug fixes and error catches.
Code for guages added (not yet confirmed working in real usage)
Reports function,
Added tooltips to buttons,
Added reset values button "R" to live data tab.
Base code for flashing OBD2A and OBD2B Honda ecus added (not yet confirmed working in real usage)
Code clean up  and compression on lookup table (Still 502kb plugin but down from 890kb.)
GUI layout improvements (* Only been viewed on my 4K and 1440P screens so far so may look trash on low res screen still)

Any for any one intrested, Im up to 4835 lines of code so far lol.


Have the bluebox with me for tonight to carry on coding.
Gauges look to be working.
Demo video.

And if any one was wondering how I banged out this plugin fast well, Its because its just stripped down version of my flash tuning software lol.
Looks a bit familiar lol.

This post was modified 6 years ago by bmgjet
Posted : 26/01/2019 1:16 am
Posts: 350

Hi BMGJet , is this demo on your Honda EH9 civic ? I'm  not familiar with Honda's what month and year Honda are we talking about here ?

Nice work on the Plugin.


Posted : 26/01/2019 5:36 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
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First video is demo just using a software obd2 simulator to feed values over serial port back into its self.
Have left it logging a run for a hour with just randomly generated changes and doesnt seem to be any memory leaks of anything.
CPU usage didnt go over 1.2% and ram didnt go over 50mb. (Do note the 1.2% cpu usage is on my PC 10 core /20 thread 5ghz.) So a little dell celeron that might be a lot of cpu usage.

2nd video is on my 2000 Euro R which is OBD2B. And 2 full throttle pulls down a private road using known weight of car and acceleration rate and work power out from that.

Might have another Update out later tonight since iv managed to punch in a bit more code for Honda OBD1 and OBD0 datalogging.
OBD1 Nissan and Holden/GM datalogging still working on punching that in at the moment.

Posted : 26/01/2019 6:06 am
Posts: 350

Looks like you need a chassis/axke_hub dyno ! If we get busted in Australia doing power runs on the street we are clasified as " Hoons" and 2nd infringement the car is confiscated and crushed.

Posted : 26/01/2019 10:01 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
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Posted by: Mach_1

Looks like you need a chassis/axke_hub dyno ! If we get busted in Australia doing power runs on the street we are clasified as " Hoons" and 2nd infringement the car is confiscated and crushed.

Ive got a rolling road with eddy brake and bench dyno with water brake. Road dyno is just a feature of my Hondyno Flash/Scan program since most people that are using dont have a dyno anywhere local. Its all good getting the fuel and timing dialed in but with out having a before and after do you really know the difference lol.

Yeah its same over here but not as bad.
4okph over speedlimit and loss of licence, And if the cop deems it as a boy racer act (Hoon but only really targeting males 30 and under) you get 1 strike on your name and a big fine along with the speeding ticket.
Get done 3 times car gets crushed.
Parents farm has nice big long private road around the outside of it.
Just have to make sure its clean first.
Came in real handy when I was growing up.

Posted : 26/01/2019 10:20 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
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Update #A3: (Almost stable enough for first submission to plugin library)
Gauges confirmed working.
Hides flash tab on non-supported adapters.
Flash commands confirmed working on OBD2B Honda (All I have on me to test today).
Cleaned up the GUI further.
Started support for 3 most common Honda OBD1 and Honda OBD0 datalogging.
Laid base logic for OBD1 Nissan and Holden/GM datalogging cables.
Looking into direct memory datalogging (24-28-32 eeprom using Ostrich 2.0).
Looking into adding mic input as another logged gauges (RPM and/or Knock).

This post was modified 6 years ago by bmgjet
Posted : 26/01/2019 10:33 am
Posts: 350

Knock would be VERY handy. Sorry for the question what is " mic" you have referred to a few times?

What knock sensors are/would you use ?

Holden/GM do you have covered ?

Posted : 26/01/2019 12:19 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
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Posted by: Mach_1

Knock would be VERY handy. Sorry for the question what is " mic" you have referred to a few times?

What knock sensors are/would you use ?

Holden/GM do you have covered ?

Mic as in microphone jack on your computer or usb sound card.
Something like this.

Ideally im still looking for best option. One with. Mic in / Line in / Sound Out.
So then You can run knock and rpm off it at same time. And hook some headphone into it to manually listen to knock as well.

Its basically a 0-2.5v input with a good frequency range.
A knock sensor is just a microphone anyway. So its all in the filtering to get a usable signal out of it.

RPM is a little bit harder since youll need to use cirucit to drop voltage to safe level.
That circuit you linked in the other thread would work with 1 extra bit added to drop another 0.8v off that but Id also suspect the mic port would handle 3.3v fine.

Its sort of looking like It should be a seperate plugin tho just because the sound driver library in C# is quite large.

Datalogging will be for Holden and GM that uses memcals to tune and ALDU1 cable for datalogging.
So early to late 90s for Holden.
Late 80s to late 90s for GM.
I use EFILive for stuff thats 2000+ for tuning, OBD2 datalogging works other wise. (Looking into connecting there controller into dyno but thats lower on the list of stuff to do.)

Posted : 26/01/2019 12:40 pm
Posts: 350

Hi Bmgjet , ok thiught it was a microphone jack but was second guessing myself so i had to ask.

I'm old school and use two VT knock sensors mounted on individual small pieces of  10mm thick plate of steel with a 10mm open slot for ease of mounting it on any engine location to monitor knock via osciliscope for visual purposes plus i use a electronics phone head set side by side. I have a lot of data to absorb to make the right judgment adjustments, no data logging to analyse which would be nicer.


That RPM 12V to 13.5V DC voltage divider can be modified possibly by playing around with the two inline series resistors to drop it down further than 5V DC with some simple maths Voltage_in divided to Voltage_out can be brought down to what a safe level for the microphone jack to operate in plus taking into consideratin the milliamps. I cant see any numbers on the op_amp they are using?

What method would you lower the Voltage_out on tha circuit as you mentioned adding more to it?

Great so you have the ALDL VN,VR,VS... plug_in working. What tuning software/hardware do you use for the earlier models pre 2000 with the removable memcals?

Have you heard of PCMTec a new Australian Ford oriented tuning software that uses the Tactrix Openport 2.0 "  ? Obd2 connector  for linking up. They have aready worked out the PID's.

I'm  more a FORD MAN nothing against Holden's , Honda's, Nissan's and any other automotive manufacturer, it's just the way we are humans we have a favorite.

I'm trying to still get my head around C#  coding and using Visual Studio 2017 Community edition software negating it's environment is challenging  I think that saying " you can't teach a old dog new tricks " , is TRUE! LOL.

Last few day's here was unbearable in the workshop. The temperature reacted 49C by my weather station , l couldn't work sweat was just pouring off me. I need to buy another laptop so i can practice more at home after working hours. Nothing beats having a shower, nice meal a beer and switching on the evaporative cooling system to a respectable 20C so i can concentrate more on what I'm doing.

You should soon have your own blue box delivered and be able to crunch more plug_ins which you are already contributing huge amounts to the yourdyno community. That is a great effort by you BMGJet. Keep up the great work, l'm in awe of the work you are doing.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Mach_1
Posted : 27/01/2019 12:57 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

ALDU code is still a work in progress to be added. (Laid base logic as in you select those code paths and it unloads the OBD2 module and attempts to load the ALDU code base) I want to get all the Honda stuff fully added and stable first tho which at current progress is about 3-4 days.

I use my own software for GM/Holden. Very similar to tunerpro rt which is what I orignally used but was too limited by its functions since it supported HEX tracing but not assembly tracing which is what you need when you have a ECU that no ones ever taken the time to make tuning definition for.
Sure the HEX tracing is easy enough to find tables by the layout and number of access hits. But good luck trying to find the speed cut/revlimit and offset stuff in HEX. You really need to follow assembly though its excucution path to find those.

Its a bit harder to port that stuff over to C# compared to the Honda stuff since its a lot older GCC C++ and C code. Where the Honda and OBD2 stuff was already in MSVC++ and C#.

Yeah Iv heard a little bit about PCMTec when I was looking for stuff for tuning a barra boss, My work shop is mainly GM/Holden stuff tho (Corvettes, Camaros, HSV), My boss couldnt justify the expense for another tuning software for newer ford stuff. So just went with aftermarket ECU for that barra boss (Speeduino). Did the job well enough and the owner of the car crashed it few months later writing it off lol.

This time of year I look for any excuse to get on the computer since its got nice AC blowing on me thats currently set to 21C.
Its just too hot to work on my car in the garage lol, Thats more winter stuff for me.

Posted : 27/01/2019 1:30 am
Posts: 350

Ok , the VN, VR, VS.... ecu's  with removable memcal..... do you direct tune the early VN,R,S ECU's or do you remove the memcal and flash them and plug the memcal back into the ECU/PCM's ?

Posted : 27/01/2019 2:22 am
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard
Topic starter

I have 3 memcals that I Cut the chips out of and soldered a socket into.
24 pin, 28pin and 32pin memcals.

I use a Ostrich 2.0 emulator during the tune since its real time editable and can tell you what part of the memory is being accessed in real time so you can trace hex and assembly.

Then once tune is done I give them the option to either UV erase there current memcal and burn tune onto it. Or cut the chip out and fit a socket and burn tune onto EEPROM (27SF512 in most cases.)

Posted : 27/01/2019 2:33 am
Posts: 350

Have you seen Ken Young's Kalmaker tuning software and hardware for Holden commodores'.

Many people sell his product badged but Ken is the original author/designer. 

I'm having a lazy Sunday on my Samsung s8+. Looking on ebay for a another laptop.

Posted : 27/01/2019 3:04 am
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