Superflow Water Brake Engine Dyno Kit

From: EUR5,028.13

Upgrade your Superflow water brake with the YourDyno Ultimate v2 and this valve servo kit. It reuses the mechanical parts of the valve. The kit includes:

  • YourDyno Ultimate v2 instrument unit with weather station and software
  • Servo and servo controller
  • Power supply
  • New bracket between servo and valve
  • Shaft coupler
  • Zero position sensor
  • 2 thermistors for oil/water temperature
  • 2 Pressure sensors: 1 x 0-75psi and 1 x 0-150psi
  • Instructions on how to hook up the Superflow load cell and RPM sensor to the YourDyno Ultimate instrument unit

See the system in action

Product Quantity

YourDyno Ultimate v2 dynamometer DAQ

The new version of the Ultimate precision dyno DAQ with USB-C interface and External power supply. Unbeatable performance and endlessly extendable!

Comes with Weather station and 10m (30ft) USB cable with screw connection to the YourDyno unit for secure connection.


Superflow valve kit

It reuses the mechanical parts of the valve.

In stock


Water/Oil temperature thermistor

0C-150C / 32F-300F

EUR94.96 each

In stock (can be backordered)

Pressure sensor

Pressure sensor

Thermocouple sensor

EUR71.22 each

In stock

Additional information

YourDyno Ultimate v2 dynamometer DAQ

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 10 cm
Power supply type


Superflow valve kit

Weight 6.5 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 15 cm

Water/Oil temperature thermistor

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm




Pressure sensor

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Pressure rating

-15psi-+15psi, 0-75psi, 0-150psi, 0-250psi, 0-500psi, 0-2500psi

Pressure sensor

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Pressure rating

-15psi-+15psi, 0-75psi, 0-150psi, 0-250psi, 0-500psi, 0-2500psi

Thermocouple sensor

Weight 0.1 kg


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