Q&A Forum

Topics: 9 / Replies: 30
RE: Froude G490EH conversion

I have Froude F209 that is also max 1400rpm They was orginal used for Group C BMW F1 and Jaguar 220 My is controlled by water outlet. I have all...

2 years ago
RE: Spartan2

i fixed the problem. Connect the black and white wires and an ocoupler Drago DK 8000, DK8000-016, Isolation Amplifier 0..5 V to 0..5V built-in. This...

2 years ago
RE: Spartan2

Here again, I get a new Spartan device for free from 14point7 (thanks) This is working now (LED signals are as the should) but the problem is the ...

2 years ago
RE: converting Froude FO209 water brake

to many projects and so less time. I still working on the problem with the Spartan WBO but hopfully next week I will test motor and dyno

2 years ago
RE: Spartan2

The Spartan2 was defect from the beginning. Is there an alternative? I don't want to by another from 14point7

2 years ago
RE: converting Froude FO209 water brake

Sorry for long delay but that project but healthy problems cured now and I motivated to work further with that

2 years ago
RE: RFI Problems what is to do?

I used screened cabels now on all sensor wires and for stepper motor. It comes muuuch better but the main problem I think is the monitor port to HDM...

2 years ago
RE: Spartan2

When nor conected toYourDyno there is only 0.3mV but it looks that there is some potential. When messure ist show 300mV but drop down to 0.3mV Is Yo...

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 752
RE: RFI Problems what is to do?

yes I now that but I was a little afraid about the coil of this rare vintage magneto. I will screen the cable and distributor like in Gen2 Corvette ...

2 years ago
RE: RFI Problems what is to do?

Thanks for quick help. Problem is that this vintage magnetos need no resistor plugs and cooper wires. It an engine dyno. The electronic is outside...

2 years ago
Hot Key

I use the KMTronic relay box and when I try to switch by hotkey it will just flashing not hold the chosen relay channel even by holding the switch pre...

2 years ago
RE: Latest software version

@bendd I have the same thinking with the voltage values

2 years ago
RE: MAHA Dynos for sale

There located in north Germany. Made offer when inspect them

3 years ago
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