Q&A Forum
My brake is disassembled at workshop right now due to upgrading. I can send pictures within a week or so. Its an old EGGERS PT160SE fully upgraded. ba...
I use yourdyno for tractor testing - and can recommend it 😀 Most tractors (i would say all) have the ability to switch between 540 PTO rpm (at 2000 ...
Before was N and L1(1 phase i believe, 230v between them). Now is L1 and L2 connected, with 400v between (2 phase)
Before was N and L1(1 phase i believe, 230v between them). Now is L1 and L2 connected, with 400v between (2 phase)
For the old powersupply i used , and it was working absolutely fine. The new one is this I think they should be idendical beside voltage specificati...
ADD: If i remove fuse F1 0,5A then i have same issue. it doesnt change anything described above.
I have same issue also. I use yourdyno to control 1 eddy current retarder brake. When retarder starts rotating yourdyno software disconnects and recon...
Its a tractor retarder dyno. A 300hp tractor usually haves 1500Nm of engine torque. So my dyno is actually a bit to small for the newer ones. Gearrati...
sorry 3300nm retarder torque. aprox 1650 engine Nm.
It's 3300nm
I use a 1000kg loadcell. Have calibrated it with 400kg load. I get fluctations at zero load with retarder not turning, on aprox 5Nm. Should i worry? ...
Where are you from? In Europe then Frenelsa will be preferrable. They can get purchased directly from frenelsa website. If you need advisement on best...
Do you have a link where you bought the usb cable?. I checked ebay an local shops. All cable looks like cheap china cables. Even the expenssive ones. ...
I also suddenly have many connections dropouts. Every time yourdyno disconnects then brake will be activated and load engine so it stalls sometimes. D...