Q&A Forum
loris peccarisi
RE: YourDyno module questions.
hello to made the dynamometer with f16-100 ??with these as hubs how many horsepower can you brake at most ??
4 years ago
RE: brake power F12-40 S7 frenelsa
seeing where it is mounted maybe it is small !! with f 16-250 connected to 192v instead how much can I brake with one per wheel ?? I would...
4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1168
RE: Welcome to our new forum
thanks for the answer !! I can't find the technical data of the frenelsa brakes can you help me ?? is there a site to see ?? i am looking for it as ...
5 years ago
RE: Welcome to our new forum
Hi! thank you for accepting my application I want to build a test bench with double rollers for the front axle and single roller for the rear ax...
5 years ago