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Topics: 1 / Replies: 12
RE: Nema 34 stepper motor

@eric91 Hello again any chance I can give you a call and get some advice?Ash

6 years ago
RE: Nema 34 stepper motor

@eric91 Hello again any chance I can give you a call and get some advice?Ash

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

It's best to use hand controle for throttle, if you use a pivot point and make it stiff to move you can apply throttle and leave it there why you play...

6 years ago
RE: My dyno on Youtube

Hi Derk Can you post some pics of your flow valve setup.. I've tryed everything to get mine to work and it's useless. I used nema 17 with 3.7/1 to o...

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

I'm using a 60lph needle valve and a 100/1 ratio stepper motor with a adaptor I made up between the two. again a massive pain to do not tested since I...

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

It's got a under plug thermo temp sensor so i use the 0 to 5v from the converter and set the input on the fan controle pcb to switch on when it goes a...

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

One of them Is egt 0 to 5v converter as i needed 2 thermo temp sensors and the other one is a temp sensor to switch on the fan to cool the engine down

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

This is it all done 20180512_181830.jpg

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

Box full of tricks lol received_10156126418418898.jpeg

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

This was mock up received_10156146667093898.jpeg

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

I'm very intrested in this controle valve setup as I think the stepper motor way will work but not grate way to do it. Moog valve would be much bette...

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

I've done this using a 25cc pump I'm still having problems with controle. When the valve is under pressure from the pump it gets very hard to turn. I...

6 years ago
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