Q&A Forum

Topics: 1 / Replies: 15
RE: Indicator Light In Place Of Gauge

I have a hydraulic brake but what I installed is a pressure sensor and it is a gauge on my display right beside brake %. I also have the 3rd party r...

3 months ago
RE: YourDyno + Tunernerd Knock integration Plugin help

@bigm Using the engine RPM reading from tunernerd to input into YourDyno would be handy for me. Hadnt thought about that.

10 months ago
RE: YourDyno + Tunernerd Knock integration Plugin help

I have tuner nerd as well and would be happy to test as well when I have time. Maybe my brother could help with the coding side as well.

12 months ago
RE: Merge of KM Tronic USB relay control and ebay USB relay control

@mx5master And thank you for giving me the idea to run my o2 controller through the relays! I hadn't thought of that yet and can see it being helpful....

12 months ago
RE: Merge of KM Tronic USB relay control and ebay USB relay control

We have done this. I cannot gurantee it on latest yourdyno version, from time to time we have to update things on our end too but if there ar...

12 months ago
RE: PLUGIN: USBRELAY (EBAY BOARD) with Auto/Channel Support

@six_shooter it is a function of the plug in that was done on purpose to keep from shotgunning the load, whatever it may be, of the relay. In our case...

1 year ago
RE: PLUGIN: USBRELAY (EBAY BOARD) with Auto/Channel Support

Our USB Relay plug in has been updated to work with YourDyno Version 3.3.56 Download the .dll here/p>

1 year ago
RE: Axial Grooves for traction in the Roller

@marco what kind of price range is it for a machine shop to do something like this? I have met my match with traction issues as well I believe.

2 years ago
RE: USB Relay Momentary Button

@james-meyers Both of those things sound fine to me so not sure maybe someone with more experience can help you. I have YourDyno and relay board both ...

2 years ago
RE: USB Relay Momentary Button

@james-meyers I am not sure what you have going on wiring wise or what kind of starter you are engaging but you are probably operating too heavy of a ...

2 years ago
RE: USB Relay Momentary Button

@james-meyers You're welcome. My brother has also made a standalone little program that shows the relay status in a small window that stays on top alw...

2 years ago
RE: USB Relay Momentary Button

@james-meyers Can you post a picture of what you are describing? Is it just buttons that say relay 1, relay 2, etc and you click to activate? If so,...

2 years ago
RE: USB Relay Momentary Button

If you are asking if you can press a key on your keyboard to pick up a motor starter using the eBay relay board the answer is now yes as we just relea...

2 years ago
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