Q&A Forum

Topics: 3 / Replies: 54
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

Is good to see that I`m not alone, I think that I was doing something wrong. So, I believe if the noise is from the loadcell or the rpm sensor I woul...

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

In my case is a guest, we have tested a lot of options and not sure where to continue. How do I measure with the oscilloscope this issue?

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

I have the same problem, is very annoying. I have tested this device and does not help at all Shorted usb cable or ferrites does not help also.

6 years ago
RE: How to transfer loadcell calibration to other laptop

I have tested this and I get a exception because the string is not right, I attach the report generated, is not possible to start a run if I change th...

6 years ago
RE: New Software features

Would be nice to set one of the I/O outputs to turn on the fans when the dyno is running and be able to set a time to keep them running for a time af...

6 years ago
RE: New Software features

+ 1 for a better file management, in a month will be impossible to find a file from a specific car. Also I`d like to be able to change the plot scales...

7 years ago
RE: Load cell calibration

Very interesting, weights were calibrated? is not very far from linear, other thing that I read is that the load cell was also affected by the tempera...

7 years ago
RE: Support for Stepper motors released

You are making a great work, hope soon I can test your device, keep on the good work 👍

7 years ago
RE: Load cell calibration

Posted by: Walter Never heard about that, my old dyno was calibrated with one calibrated weight, ive seen Mustand Dynos are calibrated using same way....

7 years ago
RE: Load cell calibration

As a linear sensor 2 points should be perfect, for the best accuracy if this points are near the maximum and the minimum of the sensor should be great...

7 years ago
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