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Telma Brakes

3 Posts
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Posts: 15
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Hello again, the Telma brakes work well?
I have found this brake, but I do not know if it will be powerful enough, I share the information.


Posted : 21/09/2020 8:23 pm
Posts: 0


Indeed, Telma is a top brand in eddy current brakes. 

What kinds of power levels will you test? This one can hold 2000Nm, but notice the Torque vs RPM curve. Also they get somewhat weaker when hot so you need a bit of margin. 

Posted : 21/09/2020 10:52 pm
Posts: 15
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The power will be about 650HP and about 750NM I want to move around here.

I was going to keep the Frenelsa but when they disassembled it there were 2 broken coils, and now the Telma has come out, but I'm not sure if it will be effective at 7500 Rpm.
I guess towards the bigger rollers the Rpm will drop?

Posted : 22/09/2020 5:19 am
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