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Support for Stepper motors released

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Greetings tuners!

YourDyno now supports stepper motors! See it demonstrated here: 


Posted : 18/02/2018 8:57 pm
Posts: 57

You are making a great work, hope soon I can test your device, keep on the good work  👍  

Posted : 19/02/2018 12:54 am
Posts: 350

Hi Jostein , nice work watched your youtube clip several times, losing steps is a concern ? I don't like the idea of loss of steps?

Why can't one use a  dual shaft_stepper motor and couple up a feedback Potentiometer ( rotary Encoder )  to prevent loss of steps

There are already made Stepper Motors with Encoders which don't come cheap but people can over come this via coupling a desired range rotary Encoder to a sized stepper_motor at a reasonable price themselves. 

Since you already control a RC servo motor ? why cant that setup be implement in the stepper motor with feedback ?

" RC servo motors are a gearbox/DC motor/PCB Controller/feedback Potentiometer  ???? "


Posted : 21/03/2018 11:24 pm
Posts: 0
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Yes, there are stepper motors with encoders. Indeed such devices work much like servos. 

You would need more inputs though and the setup is more complicated. Most stepper motors are used without feedback. It's ok as long as you set it up correctly.

Posted : 21/03/2018 11:43 pm
Posts: 350

But you already control a RC servo motor ain't all the functions on you hardware/software already there.

Its just like building a BIGGER version of a RC servo motor utilizing a stepper motor with feedback for correct positioning ? YES or NO?


Posted : 22/03/2018 5:26 am
Posts: 103

Hi jostein, how to connect the "signal" of microstep driver to your dyno box?

How much pulse/rev setup is good to control flow valve for hydraulic pump brake dyno?


Posted : 22/03/2018 11:11 pm
Posts: 0
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OutA goes to DIR+ and OutB goes to PUL+. 0V goes to DIR- and PUL-. 

200 steps per rev (which is typically minimum) is normally more than enough. 


Posted : 22/03/2018 11:24 pm
Posts: 103


Posted : 22/03/2018 11:26 pm
Posts: 350

Hi , I'm hoping to experiment with different  V ball valve ( and other shape ball valve configuration ) and see  what flow characteristics can be accomplished with them. 

Spherical balls as opposed to cylindrical valves you have pictured on you forum and website.




Posted : 24/03/2018 3:37 am
Posts: 350

Love the valve on this G490EH , which is basically the same dyno I have a Heenan&Froude GB4 but have different range of operating speed/torque


A very nice compact and neat valve and stepper motor that can be seen in the video bottom left hand corner 

Posted : 24/03/2018 3:46 am
Posts: 0
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Great, let us know how the testing is going and where you buy the valves!

Posted : 24/03/2018 10:05 am
Posts: 103

Hi jostein, to set the kp and ki parameters with stepper Motor, which brake curve do you suggest me? 

Posted : 12/04/2018 4:21 pm
Posts: 103

I have set the brake curve Like in photo but the rpm is not stabile at 10000rpm and rpm keep going up  and finally the brake Force goes up and kill of the engine brutally. Seems Like that the stepper Motor is not so rapid to control the brake valve (vmp 12 hydraulic valve) .

The setting of stepper Motor is Like in photo. In a stepper driving I have set 800 pulse/rev.


Posted : 12/04/2018 5:28 pm
Posts: 103


Posted : 12/04/2018 5:29 pm
Posts: 103

The problem could be cause by vmp 12 valve that is not suitable for this scope? 

Posted : 12/04/2018 10:58 pm
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