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new software issue

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Posts: 58
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I finally switched from to the newest software so I could use the new mph setting for  dyno runs.

The issue is probably me but on the old software i had 2 gauges that worked off aux3.

one was set up as a 0 to 5 volt gauge i use to read tps sensor voltage at idle and wide open throttle to set up a throttle percentage gauge.

other gauge i would have it set my readings from my voltage reading as a percent 0 to 100 percent for throttle position . 

I can now only set one of these up at a time.

tried a math channel but aux 3 is not an option

Am I doing something wrong?


Thanks in advance

Posted : 12/02/2023 2:32 am
Posts: 0


In the Math channel setup the channels are now called the name you gave the Aux channel ("TPS Sensor" for example), not Aux1, Aux2, Aux3, etc. 


Posted : 12/02/2023 11:04 am
Posts: 58
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I understand the name

but under options i have aux3 "TPS" now named, setup as 0 volts equals 0 percent 5 volts equals 100 percent. most tps sensors idle at .60 volts and wide open is roughly 4.50

so i need to know voltages to custom set the percentages

when i try using aux3 new name "tps" in a math channel it uses the precent side not the actual voltage of the sensor

Hope this is a little clearer

Again Thanks for all you do!!!!


Posted : 12/02/2023 11:16 pm
Posts: 58
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I had to switch back to version

I could not get the retarder to retard on the new software. i have attached my config file for the new version. most likely my issue. i even tried remote on and off

Posted : 14/02/2023 12:28 am
Posts: 0

@osi on the Aux question. If you want you can call the Aux channel say Raw TPS, then set 0V to be 0V and 5V to be 5V. Then you can create as many math channels as you want from that Raw TPS to convert from voltage to % etc. Is that solving your problem? 

On the retarder, make sure you have the load cells and RPM sensors setup properly. It will only turn on brakes that have an associated RPM sensor and Load cell

Posted : 14/02/2023 12:35 am
Posts: 58
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ok i have rpm1 as the roller rpm 30 tooth

rpm2 setup as motor rpm .5 setting like i had the older software setup

when i do gear ratio setup. in older software my rpm1 and rpm2 would both show same rpm . new software doesn't

am i supose to use indrpm instead of rpm2?


Posted : 14/02/2023 2:23 am
Posts: 0

Engine RPM and RPM2 shall show the same if you use RPM2 to calculate gear ratio. Engine RPM = RPM1 * Gear ratio. RPM1 and RPM2 will not show the same unless gear ratio is 1. 

IndRPM is to be used with an inductive RPM pickup over the primary of the coil. RPM2 is for digital RPM signals. I will disable this signal in the softwre when connected to YourDyno Standard v4 so it is less confusing! 

Posted : 14/02/2023 8:58 am
Posts: 58
Topic starter

Best i can tell rpm1 and load cell is correct. Should the option"brake linearization" be enabled?

This post was modified 2 years ago by OSI
Posted : 15/02/2023 12:46 am
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