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Load Control End Of...
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Load Control End Of Test

3 Posts
2 Users
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Posts: 21
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I am using Load Control mode with a water brake chassis dyno. I have uploaded a picture of the graph to help explain. The test is set to run from 3000 to 7000 RPM. That all goes well but after 7000 RPM the load completely drops off and shows a power spike at the end. I wouldn't care too much except that it peaks higher than the actual power peak so it gives an incorrect reading on the splash screen. Is there a way to make it stop recording dead on 7000 RPM or to make the brake keep functioning till it does stop recording?

Posted : 07/11/2024 7:54 pm
Posts: 0


What is going on here is very likely two things:

  1. You have turned on the option to record retardation data. Check Options->Basic Dyno Setup->Engine Power calculation. With this option on, the brake is turned off immediately upon reaching the end of RPM sweep, in order to transition as quickly as possible to the retardation phase. If the end of the sweep is below the RPM limiter, then the RPM will accelerate quickly at the end when the brake is turned off
  2. The MOI is somewhat too large. This is why the sudden acceleration translates into an increased power reading

If you turn off the retardation option then the brake will hold the end RPM, plus recording stops upon reaching the end RPM. 

If you want to do the retardation phase then make sure the defined end RPM is at or beyond the RPM limiter of the car (or beyond where you let go of the throttle).


Posted : 07/11/2024 9:50 pm
Posts: 21
Topic starter

Thanks, I ended up doing that once raising the rpm and stopping before. It worked like I wanted but I wanted to make sure I’m using it correctly and not finding a work around

Posted : 07/11/2024 11:11 pm
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