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FLA 203 build

10 Posts
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Posts: 96
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Hi guys,


Seeing more and more FLA 203's being converted I promised to upload some pictures of mine aswell, here goes:

[url= https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49858164566_4d08b9713a_k.jp g" target="_blank">https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49858164566_4d08b9713a_k.jp g"/> [/img][/url][url= https://flic.kr/p/2iXN8i1 ]IMG_7893[/url] by [url= https://www.flickr.com/photos/151048946@N03/ ]Tuur Dekker[/url], on Flickr



Posted : 05/05/2020 8:56 am
Posts: 96
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The dyno as I bought it:


Stripping it down:


Painting all the parts:
Posted : 05/05/2020 9:04 am
Posts: 96
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Putting it all back together:

Now including rpm sensor, new ramp, spacer plates, rollers closer together by 30mm:
Nearly finished, bar a cover plate:
Posted : 05/05/2020 9:13 am
Posts: 96
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My current setup:


Posted : 05/05/2020 9:28 am
Posts: 96
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The rollers now sit at a centre distance of 535mm instead of 565mm, aswell as being 25mm higher then before. On this I've dyno'd a pretty low Clio 182 with 195/50/15 tyres with just enough clearance for the gear linkage at the back, and the subrame at the front. If I would've kept everything as original it would've never worked.


I've done the following to make the dyno meet my requirements:

fabricated 6x 205x65x25mm spacer plates out of S355

Brought each roller and brake 15mm closer to the centre by drilling new holes in the chassis legs

Cut and adapted the mounting plates under the chassis legs for the new mounting points

Spaced the loadcell mounting point and load arm retention up 25mm

shortened the load cell arm bij 15mm to accomodate for the roller being closer to the loadcell

Fabricated a new ramp out of 180x100x5mm square to a length of 2220mm

Drilled holes and cut off a bit of the ends so I could fit it between the cover plates and mount it on the bellows

Machines the trigger wheel spacers, also machined the pulley's so they would fit over the shafts. I still need to find a way to properly secure these so I can link the rollers by a belt which I already have.

Posted : 05/05/2020 9:39 am
Thdyno reacted
Posts: 245

good job!! 👍 👍 

Posted : 05/05/2020 11:28 am
Posts: 0

Looking good!

Posted : 05/05/2020 8:11 pm
Posts: 350

Hi , nice work Tuduur !  Just to let you know those flick links don't work broken links..... otherwise keep up the nice work keep posting...

This post was modified 5 years ago by Mach_1
Posted : 06/05/2020 5:28 am
Posts: 96
Topic starter


Yeah I know, I've tried to embed them into the posts so you would see the pictures directly, on other forums it works, on this one it doesn't...

I'm past the editing time so cannot alter it anymore 🤣 

Posted : 06/05/2020 3:33 pm
Posts: 29
100% Newbie

Wow nicely done Tuur!

Posted : 24/08/2020 10:58 am
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