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First time building a Dyno.

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Me and my brother is trying to build a ínertia Dyno but it niether of us have any experiance with this sort of things so we have a couple of questions.

the setup we have so far is the dyno with a drum weight and a flywheel with the rpm sensor connected to the blue data box and a laptop with the yourdyno software, so we are able run it and get some results but we do not know if they are accurate. we have managed to get the gear ratio and rpm to be correct with help of the program but iam not sure the HP and tourqe is correct.

we have tried to look up guides and tutorials but when they configure the software we have no idea how or where they get the numbers from, ''we claculated our dyno'' and then write a bunch of numbers into the program, and we wonder what those calculations are and what factors needs to be known before we can start to configure the software so we can get a accurate measurment.

we also read that its possible to hook up a fuel to air ratio meter to the yourdyno data box so we can get all the data in the same program but we are a bit unsure what cables we need to connect to the AUX connections on the data box. we have a Innovate Motorsports LM-2 fuel to air ratio meter.

it might also be of interest to know that we will mostly use it for Folkrace cars and rallycross cars.

if there is stuff that we need to calculate we would appreciate if you also could provide how to calculate it.

We are thankfull for any help we can get.

Best Regards/ Team Olsson Power.

Posted : 15/08/2020 9:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Browse through the YourDyno wiki, lots of info there. You can connect wideband lambda sensor to an Aux port. 

After some calculations, as referred to by radics1, the way to come up with the correct moment of inertia for an inertia dyno is through experimentation. You take a car with known power and adjust the MOI until it matches. Best is to do it to a car you have tested on another dyno that you trust. Note that you need to ensure you have the same correction factors applied. With a brake dyno MOI can be measured, but it is not possible for an inertia dyno.


Posted : 16/08/2020 8:15 am
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