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@kurt you are right, this was changed back in 2020. 

I recompiled the old CANTool to work with the newest version of YourDyno, it is here.

Replace the CANTool.dll in the folder C:\ProgramData\YourDynoPlugins with this .dll file to use the original CANTool plugin.


This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by Anonymous
Posted : 11/11/2023 10:13 am
Posts: 3

Thank you, Jostein.  I now have that .dll file working and the old CANTool is functioning.  

But, the "Announce YourDyno Data on CAN bus" and two MSGID fields are grayed out.  I don't see how to enable this selection with this version plug in.  In the software download I have from late 2020, CANTool has the button "Announce YourDyno Data on CAN bus" and one CANID field.  It can be checked and turned on and the ID can be changed.  I do see the one message on my MaxxECU CAN Analyzer tool.


So, I have gotten three versions of CANTool to function so far.  Oldest one (maybe), which is what you have just provided.  I cannot turn on the 2 CAN message outputs with this.  Another version from the download in late 2020 which is able to send one message.  And the current one loaded with software download which is not able to send any message.


I have just spent some time learning what version of Visual Studio to load and what workload to go with it.  I have an idea that I could modify the current plugin and have it send out those two messages by seeing how the older plug in works.  I obviously have a lot to learn, though.


Can you advise?  Is modifying the current plug in to add this functionality even a possibility?  



Posted : 11/11/2023 8:07 pm
Posts: 0

Try downloading again now. I don't know why that option was not enabled in the old code, I enabled it now. 

I am a little careful about sharing this code, but send me a mail at jostein@yourdyno.com explaining your ideas.

Posted : 11/11/2023 8:19 pm
Posts: 3

Sent you an email, thanks. 

Posted : 02/12/2023 5:46 pm
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