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Haltech WB2 lambda ...
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Haltech WB2 lambda canbus protocol.

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I am all new to setting up custom canbus devices.

Need help to configure WB2 canbus lambda to my Yourdyno ecu.

Would be nice if someone could tell me how to do it.

Yesterday I got the following info sent to me from Haltech support.

What the text does not tell is that Haltech always use "Big Endian". And that all WB2 devices are sold as WB2A (id 0X2B0) 

Here is the CAN data you should need
CAN I.D. Rate (Hz) Direction Mux Message Position Sign Channel Units Conversion from Raw

WB1:   0x2B1
WB2A: 0x2B0
WB2B: 0x2B4
WB2C: 0x2B6
WB2D: 0x2B8

20 TX - 0 - 1 Unsigned WBI1 Lambda λ 32767=Free Air
y = x/1024
- 2 - 3 Unsigned WBI2 Lambda * λ 32767=Free Air
y = x/1024
- 4 Unsigned WBI1 Sense Resistor Ω y = x
- 5 Unsigned WBI2 Sense Resistor Ω y = x
- 6:3 - 6:0 Unsigned WBI1 Diagnostic Codes enum

1=Low Battery Voltage (< 9V)
2=High Battery Voltage (> 18V)
3=Sensor Short Circuit
4=Sensor Open Circuit
5=Sensor Cold
6=Free air
7=heater short
10=engine stopped
11=Sensor uncalibrated (NTK, 3.10 and later)
12=Sensor calibrating (NTK, 3.10 and later)

- 6:7 - 6:4 Unsigned WBI2 Diagnostic Codes enum as above
- 7 Unsigned Battery Voltage V y = x*20/255

WB1:   0x2B3
WB2A: 0x2B2
WB2B: 0x2B5
WB2C: 0x2B7
WB2D: 0x2B9 



- 0:7 - 0:4 Unsigned Status enum

0=In bootmode
1=In firmware
2=Hardware failure
3=Firmware Erased
4=Watchdog Timeout
5=Illegal Op

- 0:1 Unsigned ID Conflict enum 0=No conflict
- 0:0 Unsigned Loss of comms enum

0 = ok

1 = loss of communication with the ECU

- 1:7 - 1:2 Unsigned Bootcode Version raw y = x
- 1:1 - 1:0 Unsigned Firmware Major Version raw y = x
- 2 Unsigned Firmware Minor Version raw y = x
- 3 Unsigned Firmware Bug Fix Version raw y = x
- 4 Unsigned Firmware Release Type raw y = x
- 5:3 - 5:0 Unsigned

Sensor type, channel 1

(3.10 and later)


0 = LSU4.9
3 = NTK

- 5:7 - 5:4 Unsigned

Sensor type, channel 2

(3.10 and later)

enum 0 = LSU4.9
3 = NTK
WB1:   0x2BE
WB2A: 0x2BA
WB2B: 0x2BB
WB2C: 0x2BC
WB2D: 0x2BD 
10 TX

- 0:7 Unsigned Channel number raw Which sensor. 0 = sensor 1. 1 = sensor 2.
- 0:6 - 0:0 Unsigned Multiplex ID (Mux) raw Relates to the Mux column for the remainder of this CAN packet.
0 2 - 4 Unsigned Calibration Resistor Ω 1 = 0.1 Ω
5 - 7 Unsigned Stored Calibration Resistor Ω 1 = 0.1 Ω
1 1 Unsigned Heater Duty Cycle % 1 = 0.25 %
2 - 3 Signed Free Air Calibration Current µA 1 = 1 µA
4 - 5 Signed Pump Current µA 1 = 1 µA
6 - 7 Unsigned Heater Resistance Ω 1 = 0.1 Ω

WBC1:   0x430
WBC2A: 0x431
WBC2B: 0x432
WBC2C: 0x433
WBC2D: 0x434

? RX -     Device Command Request  
  • Set sensor type
  • Perform sensor calibration
  • Firmware update
WBC1:   0x438
WBC2A: 0x439
WBC2B: 0x43A
WBC2C: 0x43B
WBC2D: 0x43C
? TX       Device Command Response  
  • Responses to Device Command Requests
Broadcast All: 0x6F5 2 RX - 0:0 Unsigned

Engine Running


0 = Wideband off
1 = Wideband Running (either engine running, or forced on)





Posted : 23/01/2025 11:35 pm
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Posts: 2
Topic starter

Hi again.


Can anyone check if I have guessed my info correctly? 🤣

Please see picture in link below. 



Thanks in advance!

Posted : 26/01/2025 10:05 pm
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