YourDyno in your own language
YourDyno has support for different languages starting with version 3.2.62. The language support depends on native speaker volunteers helping with the translation.
Currently the following languages are supported, in different levels of completeness (please help if you want!):
- Norwegian
- Spanish
- French
- Dutch
- Vietnamese
- Italian
- Finnish
- Czech
- German
- Polish
- Hungarian
- Russian
If you want to contribute to a translation, here is what to do:
- Download and install the free edition of Sisulizer translating tool.
- Download the YourDyno translation file. It contains all languages currently supported. If your language is not in the list, send a mail to and I will add your language and upload a google translate starting point translation.
- Open the translation file in Sisuliser, select your language, and do the translations. Make sure to resize and move controls so there is no overlap and the layout is nice when the size of the text is different from the original. Save the file and send to
- I will compile and upload to and include in new installation files
Here is how translation in Sisulizer looks:

As you can see, it is pretty straight forward. You can see the context of the translation and how the end result looks. You can also resize or move controls if you need to.
When the translation is done, you click Save and send the .slp file to