Q&A Forum
Mr Peter
RE: Small brake….
@rub87 Yes it’s an Eddie current brake. 600 nm😏
6 months ago
RE: Sensor power supply options
In my pc, there is a powersuply, so i just pick 2 wire ( black and yellow ) from the suply and then a got 12V 🙂
4 years ago
RE: An other bosch fla 203 conversion
@ivanro_jo Why is it necessary to make a power correction? If you enter the correct MOI then it is not necessary to make a correction? Or what...
4 years ago
RE: Rpm pick up....
@boz-race-engines yes, I've seen it. But how do you connect it to yourdyno?
4 years ago
RE: Inertia dyno calibration
@matteozanusso MOI 6 — how Big is your roller? wide and diameter?
4 years ago
RE: Rpm pick up....
I have also tried msd 8918 but want it to be easy to set up measuring equipment and unfortunately could not get a signal from msd. My wish is to put ...
5 years ago