Q&A Forum

Topics: 3 / Replies: 54
Replies: 1
Views: 2708
RE: Latest software version

When you think the new release will be ready? can't wait to see new functions 🙂

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

So, in my case the communication loose got better with proper(more shielded) and shorter cables to load cells and rpm sensor

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

Sorry I`m not used to that device also I can`t guide you, but sure other from here will

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

I used the ground from the AC power, this ground goes with the ground of all the building, same as any power device is grounded

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

Sorry, I dont understand, how did you solve the problem?

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

And did you solve the problem?

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

I have tested with a galvanic insulator near the power supply, I will test to change near the yourdyno, thanks

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

Nice, the OBD2 will only get rpm data? what device we have to purchase, so I can have here when is released 🙂

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

I`m sure in a future it will have, can be easily controlled with one of the IO outputs, I personally like it more related to dyno rpm 🙂

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

Very nice work, congratulations!!

6 years ago
RE: Hydraulic brake Spec up

Very nice setup, I see the transformer and the stepper driver, what are the other 2 devices in the box?

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

I have tested 2 Transformers, on is semikrom based and the other one is sold by frenelsa named as var10 I Will search for the papers and post them her...

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

Hi Jostein, From the list I have already done some stuff. YourDyno box is groundedBrake control shielded with yourdyno graoundAll powered cables are n...

6 years ago
RE: Communication problem, EMI?

Very interesting, my problem is always under brake control, sometime even I get no communication from the yourdyno to the laptop and the brake is 100%...

6 years ago
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