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rpm2 error issues ,...
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rpm2 error issues , rpm2,is there a hardware test on the blue box

12 Posts
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Posts: 12
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yourdyno is working very accurate

Rpm1 roller via hall sensor, good working

lm2 wideband sensor via Aux1 ,,good working

3 barmap mapsensor,, good working

i have complete over 300 test runs

using a electric mx bike as a test mule

But Rpm2

masive problems

rpm error

have spent over 1 week try to solve,sort


Dtec rpm converter 

Optical modules

hall sensors

opto couplers

and Optical fibre setups

sometime will show correct rpm, but frezzes, plug unplug usb , still same

is there a hardware test for the blue box

pictures off rpm , connected to hall sensor , just sitting on wood floor

Posted : 15/05/2019 11:02 am
Posts: 0


Send me a raw .log file of a run with errors and send your user.config that you find under %localappdata%\Fonneland_Engineering (navigate to latest version).

I will take a look.

Posted : 15/05/2019 11:57 am
Posts: 12
Topic starter

hi attached is the files requested

manual input gear ratio gives correct rpm

but when use rpm input  to get ratio, digtal/anolgo guage mmmmm, reads very vagly

the ratio will start high the change, not very trust worthy


thanks peter 

Posted : 17/05/2019 10:45 am
Posts: 0


I checked a few .log files. 

First observation: Do you really have 60 teeth on your trigger wheel? If so, it rotates very slowly. 

Second: See attached picture. It shows the graph of the inverse of the RPM for the roller RPM and engine RPM (with some factor). As you can see, your engine does several gear shifts during the run. This will not work if you look at results vs engine RPM. You need to lock the gear ratio (to for example 1 or 1.27 as it seems you have done, it does not matter the number) and look at results vs speed.

You can still use the engine RPM to lock the gear ratio in cases where you have a fixed gear ratio. As you can see, the roller RPM has a much faster update than the engine RPM, so you need to keep the RPM steady and then click "Lock gear ratio". 

This "Use continuously changing gear ratio" option is a bit confusing and I think I will remove it. 

Posted : 17/05/2019 8:45 pm
Posts: 12
Topic starter


Thanks for quick reply

Yes 60tooth trigger wheel

I wonted best as posible reading


No gear changes .motor 26 teeth to 50 teeth rear wheel 19inch .drivin by electric 415v 3phase. Vsd drive motor.with a pickup trigger for dc cdi . For rpm outputs ..via dtec rpm adapter

E motor max 1420 rpm , geared for 60mph

Using dtec setup got 1.27 gear ratio,checked rpm with laser tacho meter.for both setups

I can run boths systems at the same time during eany runs

Watch the rpm guage during runs .stite on 0 then later jumps to 7000 rpm

But on graph results show correct rpm ,touque results


Posted : 18/05/2019 12:00 am
Posts: 12
Topic starter


still bug fixing this system

the only thing that dosn"t work correctly is rpm2 as an Rpm input


still rpm errors

bought another rpm converter to plug into rpm2 ( $100 USD )

(widget Man rpm converter), guaranteed to work on all engine setups , engines, old or new

still errror in rpm, only with rpm2 input

manual setting rpm to ratio ======== works

manual setting  rpm tacho ===========works

obd2 ========= rpm from ecu simulator ====== works

Rpm  via obd2 system is being commissioned, too get reliable rpm, product will released in coming weeks 


Posted : 30/05/2019 1:18 pm
Posts: 0


Use rpm2 engine rpm to set the gear ratio. After setting the gear ratio set rpm2 to not used. 

Posted : 30/05/2019 2:16 pm
Posts: 12
Topic starter


As said before rpm2 don't work

I have spent 100's of hours and $$ to resolve

Hardware fault

I Getting a black box made to bypass the rpm2 input.via obd2


Posted : 30/05/2019 11:07 pm
Posts: 362
Dyno Wizard

I can provide you the source code to the ScanTool plugin if it helps you add support to your OBD2 solution.

Posted : 31/05/2019 12:27 am
Posts: 12
Topic starter

Hi, i'll wait,untill my ,frelance coder,finishes my rpm to obd2 device, code

Posted : 31/05/2019 2:30 am
Posts: 1

Hi Peter,

did your blackbox to bypass the RPM2 input turn out to be a reliable solution?

Posted : 09/03/2022 12:39 pm
Posts: 0

@jurlu96, this is a very old thread. Can you explain the issue you have?

Posted : 09/03/2022 4:29 pm
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