Q&A Forum
Hi guys, time to introduce myself:
My name is Arthur, I live in the Netherlands and am running a Renault dedicated tuning company.
Just recently i bought a Bosch lps 002 dyno which i will rebuild and upgrade in the future.
For now i’ve just ordered the yourdyno daq kit and will have a go onthe dyno init’s current state at first.
Received my Yourdyno yesterday. Surprised by the size of it, it’s even smaller then i had expected. Very fast delivery with fedex aswell
attached is a photo of the dyno. For now i’ll just modify the ramp and place the roller 2cm closer together and 2cm higher aswell. Over winter i’ll be converting it to a braked dyno using a Telma AC50-80 retarder
Looks like a good starting point.
Keep us documented on your progress.
Hey welcome!
I will be watching your build with a close eye as I too have the same LPS002 inertia dyno (in pieces though).
Cool, if you ever need help just let me know
Bit of an old picture already, but it’s starting take shape.
today i managed to try my car on it. Sadly it seems the bearings are way beyond worn. I know 3 of them require 2210 bearing but i don’t know which bearing to get for the flywheel side. Does anyone happen to know which one i need?
Fantastic news
Im pretty sure mine also requires bearings as the rollers being out the frame allow for me to easily rotate the bearings by hand and I have noticed that 3 of the 4 bearings are very stiff.
In my country there is a place called "Bearing Man" that I will go through to with a sample and see what they have.
Great to see your dyno is taking shape!
I might start digging the hole for mine this week.
I have done a few test runs yesterday, yes the bearings are deffinately worn! So going to dismantle it tomorrow to find out what i need
On another note, i've just received the original documentation from the seller. It even includes testreports from first install by Bosch and a warranty card aswell
Anyhow, some interesting facts i got from the documents:
Drive roller weight =165kg, diameter 268mm, length 2100mm
Idle roller weight=153kg, diameter 268mm, length 2100mm
Flywheel weight=318kg, diameter 520,6mm, width 105mm
Way more in there bot not really interesting till someone asks
That's great information to have!
Thanks for sharing!
Okay, some more info to add:
original trigger wheel is +-110mm diameter, 84 theeth
shafts are 70mm od with 60mm next to the bearings and 50 od shaft for the bearing itself
bearings which are needed are 3x 2210E for the split pillow blocks, 1x 22210E for the solid block.
they are sealed by felt seals id 60 od 76.
the bearing blocks are snl210. Seals are tsn210 l/c/g (different variances available). I haven’t been able to locate new ones yet as they’re an old type bearing block.
rollers are separated by 232mm inbetween the rollers, 500mm shaft spacing
Thank you very much for the information!
Where did you get it all from or did you physically measure and count everything?
Physically checked everything
rollers are going to be 6cm closer together and 2cm higher to accept lower cars.
in the future i’ll be converting it to an eddy braked dyno and will probably be linking the rollers at the same time
I’ts been a productive few days with added picture as end result.
Got two cars to tune tomorrow, we’ll see how it goes
Have tuned both cars which worked okay. Still have to play with settings a bit, noise reduction on 2 and rpm spike removal on 2 aswell still gave very clean graphs. I'd like to see what's going on better, is it possible i've made too few teeth on my trigger wheel not giving it enough resolution?
I have a trigger wheel with 20 teeth as suggested on here..... Didn't make a raw datalog so can't play with it now sadly.
Also, my zeitronix lambda with all values entered as suggested by zeitronix still gave very faulty results, it does a test cycle when you turn it on to check if the calibration is correct, it should display 14.7:1 for a few seconds but it displayed around 19, any suggestions?