Q&A Forum
I have made the calibration of the loadcells on one laptop and I need to change the laptop how to transfer loadcells calibration to other laptop?
Copy the file user.config file under c:\users\%username%\AppData\Local\Fonneland_Engineering\YourDyno.exe_<some random letters>\<latest version>\user.config to your new machine.
It will copy all settings including the calibration. Make sure YourDyno software is not running when you copy.
Copy the file user.config file under c:\users\%username%\AppData\Local\Fonneland_Engineering\YourDyno.exe_<some random letters>\<latest version>\user.config to your new machine.
It will copy all settings including the calibration. Make sure YourDyno software is not running when you copy.
I have tested this and I get a exception because the string is not right, I attach the report generated, is not possible to start a run if I change the user config
Hi, from the log it looks like your two computers use different decimal separators (, or .).
You only really need the two number under calGain1 and calOffset1, so you can copy them over. Make sure to use the correct decimal separator of course.