Q&A Forum
Hi, I'm thinking about buying your solution .But i have some questions .
On the web you write that:
Building your own low cost dyno for Gokarts, Crosskarts, motorcycles and other lower horsepower engines (<150-200hp) is not difficult!
I build my dyno for cars with one inertial roller . 50cm dia and 1000kg weight . Will your system be suitable for me? .
Why does not your system calculate friction loss ? Almost all of the system tests it by a slow down test after acceleration . Every car has another friction. So how do I find the right settings?
I do not like print format . Is it possible to modify it in the future? Something like this.
or this for example
Sorry for my bad english and thanks for answer .
Calculating the loss during retardation is coming in the next release. I have already delivered a special version with this enabled, it will be released in a few weeks. Note though that no system can calculate the true friction experienced at full acceleration. The friction loss at retardation (which CAN be measured) is less than during acceleration since the loading is much less. Anyway the retardation loss is a useful approximation, it can be better than a fixed percentage.
Thanks for the idea of an improved print out. Your comment is good, I will add it to the to-do list.
YourDyno supports any size/weight rollers, no problem with 50cm/1000kg.
Let me know if you have any other comments or questions.
I was wondering if you had a diagram that shows how to connect my existing loadcell to the your Dino acquisition controller.
I just want to make sure I wire all four pans in the proper location thank you